Tuesday 21 October 2014

Film Review: Extraterrestrial

Genre:  Horror  Sci-Fi 

Cert: 18 cert (R-rated)

Director: Colin Minihan

Screen writer: Colin Minihan , Stuart Ortiz  - The Vicious Brothers   

Starring: Brittany Allen , Freddie Stroma , Melanie Papalia , Jesse Moss , Anja Savcic , Sean Rogerson , Emily Perkins , Mike Kovac , Ian Brown , Fred Keating .Reese Alexander , Gil Bellows , Michael Ironside , Jacob Tremblay

Running time: 100 min

Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.

Sex & Nudity: Couple kissing.

Violence & Gore: Attack man is seen with open slash cuts on he face blood is seen.
 A man is in a alien device is extremely experiment on.
Alien is seen shot with blood.

Profanity: 1 use of slut, alot of f words most used.

Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Drink is seen

Frightening/Intense Scenes: This film is extremely intense frighten concept that some viewers maybe be disturbed by so viewer discretion is a advised as some scene are very disturbing (r-rated)

Story: A group of friends on a weekend trip to a family cabin, find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time, after something crashes in the woods it become a fight for survival to stay alive as something is staking them all hell break lose.

Likes : From the trailer this film looks pretty frighten & intense, i wasn't wrong, directed & written by the The Vicious Brothers they take you in to a seemly dark story concept of a group of young people on a road trip to a family cabin.
 The story start off like most other film of this type where you get to see the character development  which is pretty well acted for believable character's when something crashes in the woods behind the cabin the story is put in to over drive of intense & frightening scene as you see this group of teenage fighting for there lives against something staking them.
This is where this film take on this very disturbing & darker tone, with an independence day, forth kind & fire in sky concept where its gets seriously intense & frightening, i feel as if this film is unfairly underrated as this is not a bad film, it keep's it pace intense dark feel to it which is great because not once dose it loss its concept so this is a well made film in part for what it is.
Extraterrestrial seriously put the fear back in to Sci-fi horror even the tone on the film itself just puts a chill down your spine, which is weird paranormal, gore horror film's dont scare me much but this type of concept dose which is weird.
There is just something psychological about this type of film that just gets in your mind, its the fear that no matter where you hide they will always be-able to get to you that to me is frightening, thi is what is shown in this film which is brilliant done, but its without its flaw's.

Dislikes : The film is great all the way though its keep its dark tone which i liked then the ending happen you left kind of thinking W.T.H, why did it end like that it kind of ruins the whole feel of the film, yes i get the ending but i feel this should of ended a better way than it did, because it leave you with unanswered question to what is going on.

Overall : Great acting, Frightening & intense, just a bit of a lame ending that leave you with questions

Rating: 4.4 out of 5 for entertainment / 6 out of 10 for dark concept

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