Genre: Drama Horror, Warning this film contains extremely disturbing scene & gore.
Cert: This given a 15 cert in cinema, but this film should be viewed by 18 only due to level of violence & gore.
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A teen boy and a teen girl have sex in the back of his pickup truck: we see him on top, thrusting, with a blanket over them both. (we see the lower legs of both as the camera pans up and you see his bare back and chest and the bare shoulders and arms of both) and they both gasp as they climax. Very brief. Only lasts about five seconds.
Two teen girls are sitting on a bed and the guy makes a remark and they almost kiss.
A woman screams in an upstairs room and we follow an empty stairway to see a Bible covered in blood, a broken coffee cup and other debris; in a bedroom, we see the woman wearing a long nightgown (lower legs exposed) with lots of blood between her legs and all over the white sheets on the bed as she calls out that she is dying and asks God for help; trembling, she pulls up her nightgown where we see a bloody baby's head she then panics grabbing a pair of scissors and aims to stab the baby as she suddenly stops and picks up the newborn and rocks it.
A teen girl showers in the high school locker area (we see her bare shoulders and arms); she drops a bar of soap when she sees it is slightly bloody and her hands are covered with blood and she screams for help, not knowing what menstruation is while other girls throw tampons and sanitary napkins at her, chanting, "Plug it up!"
The protagonist's mother says that her husband raped her, and she enjoyed it.
Brief sexual references ("I can see your dirty pillows", "Have you already booked your hotel room? Have you practiced the noises you're gonna make?")
Violence & Gore: A teen girl and a teen boy walk onto a stage while a man and a teen girl in the rafters above the stage struggle, argue and release a bucket of pig's blood onto the girl, splashing the boy, who shouts, "What the hell?" We see the same scene of blood pouring down four times, from different angles; the metal bucket loosens and hits the boy on the head (we see him lying motionless with his eyes open). The girl is covered in blood from her head to toe, and she remained like this until near the ending.
The bloody girl is terrified, then becomes angry while crying over the boy and makes the stage decorations and props crash down and catch fire. She uses her telekinetic power to hurl teen boys and teen girls into walls, she even send one's face smashing against a window (we then blood around the cracks); we see teens screaming and running to the doors, which lock themselves; she uses her powers to lift up a teacher (we see her neck tighten, and it was almost choking the life out of her as we see her gasping for breath); two teen girls are knocked to the floor by invisible forces and trampled by shoes in close-up, including sharp high heels (they appear dead, face down, with their eyes open and with blood surrounding and on them); a teen boy was bashed in the head with a flying table top, and he lands on the ground dead with blood on his head; a teen girl is whipped five times by broken electrical cables, and the she is engulfed by flames, screaming hysterically, and she seems to disintegrate in the fire. The bloody girl then sends electrical cables towards the floor, which was covered in a pool on water, and we see people standing on it being electrocuted from a distance; she slams a tall set of bleachers closed and boys and girls fall off them, but one boy is caught and smashed at the waist and he screams in pain as the bleachers continue to close on him, and he spits out blood.
A teen girl follows a teen boy and a teen girl and pursues their car on foot; we see two buildings go up in tall flames as a police cruiser rushes past with lights flashing and siren blaring while teen boys and teen girls are stumbling around on the sidewalk, moaning and crying. The walking girl uses telekinesis as she stomps the road pavement, creates a split and a hole to engulf the car she is chasing. The car turns and the girl inside shouts to kill the girl on the pavement, so the male driver speeds toward her, but crashes against a force field. His face hits the steering wheel, with blood pouring out of his noes, and dies with a bloody face. The girl in the car tries to start it and drive, revving the engine as the girl with telekinetic powers levitates the car and sends it crashing into a gas station and against a gas pump; we see the driving girl's face hit the windshield and break through, with glass shards flying and her face becoming lodged at the ears in the opening of the broken glass(her face is covered with deep, bleeding wounds and dripping blood). The girl with the telekinetic powers then causes an electric spark from a toppled streetlight to ignite the spilled gas around the pump, and a giant explosion and tall flames engulf the car and gas station as she walks away.
A teen girl covered with pig's blood enters her house, washes off the blood and dons a long nightgown. Then her mother embraces her and stabs her in the shoulder blade with a butcher knife, drawing blood and a shout of pain; the girl breaks free, while the mother chases her with the knife, cutting one of the girl's legs (we see blood flow). The woman is levitated to keep her from killing the girl just as she jabs the knife at her and stops short of an eye; the girl levitates many pairs of scissors, knives and skewers around the woman and stabs her, pinning her to a door in a crucifix position with blood dripping from hand and chest stab wounds. The woman seems to die, then revives with a gasp and the girl takes her down from the wall, pulling out bloody weapons as the woman gasps and dies on the floor.
A woman alone at home delivers a baby (please see the Sex/Nudity category for more details) and chants, "Cut it out, cut it out" while stabbing at the baby's eye with large dressmaker's shears, but stops short of hurting the infant.
A woman bangs her head repeatedly against a wall to punish herself for having a child. In another scene, she scratches her arms repeatedly until they bleed and later bangs her head against a closet door from the inside and reaches through a crack in the door to break it open, bloodying her fingers. At work in a dry-cleaning store, she talks with a customer while below the counter she uses a seam ripper to dig into her thigh under her dress in close-up, until the leg bleeds.
A woman tries to assault her teen daughter, who uses telekinesis to seal the woman's mouth and levitate her into a prayer closet. The woman bangs her head on a wall inside as she shouts; the girl melts the door bolt on the outside with her telekinesis, and then leaves the house.
A man, three teen boys and a teen girl enter a pigpen at night where one boy takes a sledgehammer, tells a pig he will bash its head in, and then says he cannot do it. The man kisses the hammer head, quickly smashes it down off-screen and we hear a pig squeal briefly; the man gives the girl a knife and she slits the animal's throat (we do not see the cut being made, but we see blood gush out and onto her and the man).
A girl seated at a party table receives a reddened paper cut across her palm (seen in close-up), but says it does not hurt.
There is a large -quantity- of violence, but none of it is explicit.
Profanity: About 5 F-words and its derivatives, 1 sexual hand gesture, 16 scatological terms, 6 anatomical terms, 5 mild obscenities and exclamations (shut-up.)
Name-calling (witch, nuts, pig, freak, weird, crazy, idiotic, cancer, devil's hand and fool.)
Stereotypical references to teenagers, Catholics, bullies, child abusers, teachers, people who are different, people with mental illnesses, and 17 religious comments
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Two teen girls drink from beer bottles inside an SUV as a boy drives them to his house and one girl continues to drink on the sidewalk.
A teen boy on Prom Night tells a teacher and his date that he heard that the punch is spiked (we see no one drinking anything).
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The opening scene concerns childbirth and infanticide, and might be the most intense part of the film.
The scenes where Margaret disciplines Carrie are very intense but not extreme.
The scene at the prom contains a number of frightening and violent scenes.
The final confrontation between Carrie and her mother is pretty sad and intense.
The last 20 minutes are pretty intense and violent.
Its not an insanely scary movie, although the violent side is disturbing.
The movie overall sort of sets out a good message.
Story: A reimagining of the classic horror tale about Carrie White (Chloë Grace Moretz), a shy girl outcast by her peers and sheltered by her deeply religious mother (Julianne Moore), who unleashes telekinetic terror on her small town after being pushed too far at her senior prom. Based on the best-selling novel by Stephen King, Carrie is directed by Kimberly Peirce with a screenplay by Lawrence D. Cohen and Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa.
Likes : year ago I watched the first original film it was pretty much violent & nasty back then, but then after watching this reboot of the film dam i can honest say that this is a good remake it better than the original, i don't know if it was the way the story was being told or the poem she was read in this film that explained thing better which made this film brilliant to watch.
Chloë Grace Moretz brings brilliant performance as Carrie with a frightening believable character of a girl with powers, when things do kick off there is just something about her character the way she plays this role she brings this cold vengeance revenge on those who have done her wrong in a disturbing way.
Julianne Moore brings a staler performance as the derange mother who a bit nuts on the religion, you find her character very disturbing as she not all there like something isn't right , but the way she treat Carrie is ever worst, which you can understand why Carrie is the way she is.
As for storyline not much was change from the original as it has all that the original had apart from the ending which was a little different but it worked for the film, but Ive got to say some of the scene in this film really disturbed & violent special the school disco scene now compare this with the original there was a lot more deaths in the original but this film the way the storyline is written is she took revenge on those that hurt her.
what's also good about this story in the reboot it seem to be more based on the story mythology of eve & Samson on a more demonic way which explain a lot about why Carrie has powers because, her mother explains something about her becoming pregnant with Carrie but no father was mention so was is a paranormal pregnancy or was her father human, that the one think i could never understand about the story of Carrie, but this is one film that you wont be disappointed in watch.
Special effect were amazing special some scene the thing was it was well balanced & not over the top like more horror film can be this is a rare thing that the reboot/remake is better than the original film. This is one film i recommend you go to watch at the cinema as it a fantastically written film & one that wont disappoint.
Dislikes : Just slightly bit slow at first nothing really happens until mid way into the film.
Overall :Fantastic horror remake, great storyline, extreme violence & gore. worth watching film
Rating: 5 out of 5 for entertainment / 8.1 out of 10 for storyline/ horror theme
Cert: This given a 15 cert in cinema, but this film should be viewed by 18 only due to level of violence & gore.
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A teen boy and a teen girl have sex in the back of his pickup truck: we see him on top, thrusting, with a blanket over them both. (we see the lower legs of both as the camera pans up and you see his bare back and chest and the bare shoulders and arms of both) and they both gasp as they climax. Very brief. Only lasts about five seconds.
Two teen girls are sitting on a bed and the guy makes a remark and they almost kiss.
A woman screams in an upstairs room and we follow an empty stairway to see a Bible covered in blood, a broken coffee cup and other debris; in a bedroom, we see the woman wearing a long nightgown (lower legs exposed) with lots of blood between her legs and all over the white sheets on the bed as she calls out that she is dying and asks God for help; trembling, she pulls up her nightgown where we see a bloody baby's head she then panics grabbing a pair of scissors and aims to stab the baby as she suddenly stops and picks up the newborn and rocks it.
A teen girl showers in the high school locker area (we see her bare shoulders and arms); she drops a bar of soap when she sees it is slightly bloody and her hands are covered with blood and she screams for help, not knowing what menstruation is while other girls throw tampons and sanitary napkins at her, chanting, "Plug it up!"
The protagonist's mother says that her husband raped her, and she enjoyed it.
Brief sexual references ("I can see your dirty pillows", "Have you already booked your hotel room? Have you practiced the noises you're gonna make?")
Violence & Gore: A teen girl and a teen boy walk onto a stage while a man and a teen girl in the rafters above the stage struggle, argue and release a bucket of pig's blood onto the girl, splashing the boy, who shouts, "What the hell?" We see the same scene of blood pouring down four times, from different angles; the metal bucket loosens and hits the boy on the head (we see him lying motionless with his eyes open). The girl is covered in blood from her head to toe, and she remained like this until near the ending.
The bloody girl is terrified, then becomes angry while crying over the boy and makes the stage decorations and props crash down and catch fire. She uses her telekinetic power to hurl teen boys and teen girls into walls, she even send one's face smashing against a window (we then blood around the cracks); we see teens screaming and running to the doors, which lock themselves; she uses her powers to lift up a teacher (we see her neck tighten, and it was almost choking the life out of her as we see her gasping for breath); two teen girls are knocked to the floor by invisible forces and trampled by shoes in close-up, including sharp high heels (they appear dead, face down, with their eyes open and with blood surrounding and on them); a teen boy was bashed in the head with a flying table top, and he lands on the ground dead with blood on his head; a teen girl is whipped five times by broken electrical cables, and the she is engulfed by flames, screaming hysterically, and she seems to disintegrate in the fire. The bloody girl then sends electrical cables towards the floor, which was covered in a pool on water, and we see people standing on it being electrocuted from a distance; she slams a tall set of bleachers closed and boys and girls fall off them, but one boy is caught and smashed at the waist and he screams in pain as the bleachers continue to close on him, and he spits out blood.
A teen girl follows a teen boy and a teen girl and pursues their car on foot; we see two buildings go up in tall flames as a police cruiser rushes past with lights flashing and siren blaring while teen boys and teen girls are stumbling around on the sidewalk, moaning and crying. The walking girl uses telekinesis as she stomps the road pavement, creates a split and a hole to engulf the car she is chasing. The car turns and the girl inside shouts to kill the girl on the pavement, so the male driver speeds toward her, but crashes against a force field. His face hits the steering wheel, with blood pouring out of his noes, and dies with a bloody face. The girl in the car tries to start it and drive, revving the engine as the girl with telekinetic powers levitates the car and sends it crashing into a gas station and against a gas pump; we see the driving girl's face hit the windshield and break through, with glass shards flying and her face becoming lodged at the ears in the opening of the broken glass(her face is covered with deep, bleeding wounds and dripping blood). The girl with the telekinetic powers then causes an electric spark from a toppled streetlight to ignite the spilled gas around the pump, and a giant explosion and tall flames engulf the car and gas station as she walks away.
A teen girl covered with pig's blood enters her house, washes off the blood and dons a long nightgown. Then her mother embraces her and stabs her in the shoulder blade with a butcher knife, drawing blood and a shout of pain; the girl breaks free, while the mother chases her with the knife, cutting one of the girl's legs (we see blood flow). The woman is levitated to keep her from killing the girl just as she jabs the knife at her and stops short of an eye; the girl levitates many pairs of scissors, knives and skewers around the woman and stabs her, pinning her to a door in a crucifix position with blood dripping from hand and chest stab wounds. The woman seems to die, then revives with a gasp and the girl takes her down from the wall, pulling out bloody weapons as the woman gasps and dies on the floor.
A woman alone at home delivers a baby (please see the Sex/Nudity category for more details) and chants, "Cut it out, cut it out" while stabbing at the baby's eye with large dressmaker's shears, but stops short of hurting the infant.
A woman bangs her head repeatedly against a wall to punish herself for having a child. In another scene, she scratches her arms repeatedly until they bleed and later bangs her head against a closet door from the inside and reaches through a crack in the door to break it open, bloodying her fingers. At work in a dry-cleaning store, she talks with a customer while below the counter she uses a seam ripper to dig into her thigh under her dress in close-up, until the leg bleeds.
A woman tries to assault her teen daughter, who uses telekinesis to seal the woman's mouth and levitate her into a prayer closet. The woman bangs her head on a wall inside as she shouts; the girl melts the door bolt on the outside with her telekinesis, and then leaves the house.
A man, three teen boys and a teen girl enter a pigpen at night where one boy takes a sledgehammer, tells a pig he will bash its head in, and then says he cannot do it. The man kisses the hammer head, quickly smashes it down off-screen and we hear a pig squeal briefly; the man gives the girl a knife and she slits the animal's throat (we do not see the cut being made, but we see blood gush out and onto her and the man).
A girl seated at a party table receives a reddened paper cut across her palm (seen in close-up), but says it does not hurt.
There is a large -quantity- of violence, but none of it is explicit.
Profanity: About 5 F-words and its derivatives, 1 sexual hand gesture, 16 scatological terms, 6 anatomical terms, 5 mild obscenities and exclamations (shut-up.)
Name-calling (witch, nuts, pig, freak, weird, crazy, idiotic, cancer, devil's hand and fool.)
Stereotypical references to teenagers, Catholics, bullies, child abusers, teachers, people who are different, people with mental illnesses, and 17 religious comments
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Two teen girls drink from beer bottles inside an SUV as a boy drives them to his house and one girl continues to drink on the sidewalk.
A teen boy on Prom Night tells a teacher and his date that he heard that the punch is spiked (we see no one drinking anything).
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The opening scene concerns childbirth and infanticide, and might be the most intense part of the film.
The scenes where Margaret disciplines Carrie are very intense but not extreme.
The scene at the prom contains a number of frightening and violent scenes.
The final confrontation between Carrie and her mother is pretty sad and intense.
The last 20 minutes are pretty intense and violent.
Its not an insanely scary movie, although the violent side is disturbing.
The movie overall sort of sets out a good message.
Story: A reimagining of the classic horror tale about Carrie White (Chloë Grace Moretz), a shy girl outcast by her peers and sheltered by her deeply religious mother (Julianne Moore), who unleashes telekinetic terror on her small town after being pushed too far at her senior prom. Based on the best-selling novel by Stephen King, Carrie is directed by Kimberly Peirce with a screenplay by Lawrence D. Cohen and Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa.
Likes : year ago I watched the first original film it was pretty much violent & nasty back then, but then after watching this reboot of the film dam i can honest say that this is a good remake it better than the original, i don't know if it was the way the story was being told or the poem she was read in this film that explained thing better which made this film brilliant to watch.
Chloë Grace Moretz brings brilliant performance as Carrie with a frightening believable character of a girl with powers, when things do kick off there is just something about her character the way she plays this role she brings this cold vengeance revenge on those who have done her wrong in a disturbing way.
Julianne Moore brings a staler performance as the derange mother who a bit nuts on the religion, you find her character very disturbing as she not all there like something isn't right , but the way she treat Carrie is ever worst, which you can understand why Carrie is the way she is.
As for storyline not much was change from the original as it has all that the original had apart from the ending which was a little different but it worked for the film, but Ive got to say some of the scene in this film really disturbed & violent special the school disco scene now compare this with the original there was a lot more deaths in the original but this film the way the storyline is written is she took revenge on those that hurt her.
what's also good about this story in the reboot it seem to be more based on the story mythology of eve & Samson on a more demonic way which explain a lot about why Carrie has powers because, her mother explains something about her becoming pregnant with Carrie but no father was mention so was is a paranormal pregnancy or was her father human, that the one think i could never understand about the story of Carrie, but this is one film that you wont be disappointed in watch.
Special effect were amazing special some scene the thing was it was well balanced & not over the top like more horror film can be this is a rare thing that the reboot/remake is better than the original film. This is one film i recommend you go to watch at the cinema as it a fantastically written film & one that wont disappoint.
Dislikes : Just slightly bit slow at first nothing really happens until mid way into the film.
Overall :Fantastic horror remake, great storyline, extreme violence & gore. worth watching film
Rating: 5 out of 5 for entertainment / 8.1 out of 10 for storyline/ horror theme

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