Genre: Adventure Drama Fantasy
Cert: 12A cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A love triangle of sorts emerges as the movie progresses. We learn that Tauriel is in love with Legolas, a relationship that has been forbidden by his father, Thranduil. Meanwhile, Kili is clearly smitten by Tauriel, flirting with her in a double entendre-laden exchange after being captured. "Aren't you going to search me?" he asks. "I could have anything down my trousers." To which she retorts, "Or nothing." Still, Tauriel does seem to have at least a half-crush on Kili, too. And when she heals him of a fever later, he ponders whether she could ever love him.
Violence & Gore: Battles between Azog's pursuing troops result in the deaths of dozens of orcs. They're frequently decapitated (generally by elven blades) and shot with arrows. We see the arrows penetrate skulls, and one particularly potent shaft skewers two orcs at once. Sword and knife fights fell still more.
One particularly wince-inducing scene involves Thranduil swiftly and unexpectedly cutting off an orc's head right after promising to spare the creature. One of the fights between orcs, dwarves and elves takes place in Bard's home, where his two adolescent girls witness the hideous attackers being killed.
The company's encounter with the giant spiders of Mirkwood has the multi-fanged creatures lunging and gnashing at their prey. We hear spiders talking about how "fat and juicy" their dwarven meals will be. But Bilbo dispatches several with his short sword, now dubbed Sting. And the dwarves each grab a leg of one spider and pull, yanking its limbs off.
We see the side of Thranduil's face burn away and regenerate. After getting shot with an arrow, Kili has to break it off, leaving part of it in his body. (Later we see a bloody, infected wound.) Kili also tumbles down a flight of stairs. There's talk of slavery, torture and the thirst for blood.
Profanity: Thorin brags that he told Thranduil he could "go [unspellable dwarvish word] himselfhim and all his kin."
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking:Several characters smoke pipes, and folks are shown drinking ale at the Prancing Pony. Thranduil's wood elves make wine that they send down the river; a couple of them seem to have consumed too much of it, and they're shown passed out with their heads on a table. The master of Lake Town asks for a brandy
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Smuag is frightening and can scare some viewers.
The giant spiders might be very frightening, especially for viewers with arachnophobia.
A dragon blows fire into the screen, what can make viewers "jump".
Azog the orc's look may be frightening for some viewers.
When Beorn is turned into a bear, he can be quite scary for younger viewers.
It's showed that the living dead wizard and his followers have risen from their tombs.
Story: After successfully crossing over (and under) the Misty Mountains, Thorin and Company must seek aid from a powerful stranger before taking on the dangers of Mirkwood Forest--without their Wizard. If they reach the human settlement of Lake-town it will be time for the hobbit Bilbo Baggins to fulfill his contract with the dwarves. The party must complete the journey to Lonely Mountain and burglar Baggins must seek out the Secret Door that will give them access to the hoard of the dragon Smaug. And, where has Gandalf got off to? And what is his secret business to the south
Likes : If I could say one thing about this film, it would be outstanding, the storyline was told brilliantly although there is a slight change in the story from the book in a curtain scene, but the dragon scene is just outstanding special effects.
When I first saw the dragon on the trailer I did think at first oh this is going to look really cheesy but after seeing this film my jaw nearly hit the floor when the dragon reveals itself just the look alone is outstanding, Seriously it was like looking it to the face of pure evil, it can tell it was not cheaply done iver it just match the evil & arrogant nature.
Benedict Cumberbatch I can say what an outstanding performance for the voice of the dragon Smaug, he seriously bought out what Smaug would sound like in middle earth & seriously gave me chill's just watch this dragon on screen, im a big fan of dragon's the design & look was just perfect for the last dragon it show a demonic & evil look, special the way benedict voice give's the character of its own evil concept is just amazing, Benedict is the voice of the necromancer which the special effect were amazing as well.
Evangeline Lilly as Tauriel was nothing short of brilliant, her character as a humble humanity side to her but she is not woman to mess with as she seriously kick ass in this film, she not a character that in the book but its a welcome character to the film that really dose fit in.
A female Wood-elf from Mirkwood, Tauriel is the captain of Thranduil's guards. Her name means "daughter of the forest". When Tauriel was still small her Silvan parents were killed by Orcs; she was raised in Thranduil's halls and thinks of Legolas as an older brother. Tauriel is approximately 600 years old she fights like legolas which is awesome in this film.
Orlando Bloom as legolas, I this film show a different side of him before the fellowship of the ring , he seem to have this cold hearted demeanour about him which is a characteric's of his father King Thranduil played by Lee Pace who doesn't seem to care about the world outside he own kingdom, but legolas has a fondness to Tauriel I think its because there is something about her that changes he ways or the way she see thing's for the better, it noticeable in this film.
Martin Freeman return as Bilbo you come to see his character as become a lot more braver & courage in this film, I like the way you get to see him use the ring, which show's a lot more going on than we think, but you notice that the ring is changing him like it did with Frodo in lord of the rings. What make this character shine is the confrontation with Smuag ,wow what a performance really showing a believeable scene when he was speaking with Smuag you could hear the fear in his voice, to be honest if you were being starred down by a dragon that looks like that , hell you would be scared as well.
You will notice that this is a very darker & menacing side of the story of hobbit which really work's in show a dark evil has arisen & is drawing power again to burn the world down. A lot of people probably wont like the way it ended but I think it a perfect ending leave it on a cliff hanger, because it leaves you wanting to see that last film there & back again where I bet we will get to see a much darker story than this one.
I found this film better for character development as really brought out all the characters personality better, you kind of notice with Thorin Oakenshield play by Richard Armitage he attitude started to change as they got closer to the mountain it was like he was going the same way as he father.
what I also like was the necromancer peter Jackson actually gave it a character & body in a spirit form of a dark misty cloud with extremely dark power which was good as it give a dark edge to the film other than the dragon.
This is a film u shouldn't miss at the cinema, this is one lord of rings film that is outstanding in every way possible, just down to the way the acting & special effect, the design & look of the dragon this film deserver's an Oscar, I only watched this film is 2D but I bet the dragon scene is amazing in 3D.This is a film I recommend to all lord of the ring's fans.
Dislikes : Nothing wrong with this film it just an outstanding film.
Overall : Best dragon design, best voice acting for the dragon, outstanding performance from all the cast this is one film not to be missed.
Rating: 5 out of 5 for entertainment / 10 out of 10 for storyline/dragon design.
Cert: 12A cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A love triangle of sorts emerges as the movie progresses. We learn that Tauriel is in love with Legolas, a relationship that has been forbidden by his father, Thranduil. Meanwhile, Kili is clearly smitten by Tauriel, flirting with her in a double entendre-laden exchange after being captured. "Aren't you going to search me?" he asks. "I could have anything down my trousers." To which she retorts, "Or nothing." Still, Tauriel does seem to have at least a half-crush on Kili, too. And when she heals him of a fever later, he ponders whether she could ever love him.
Violence & Gore: Battles between Azog's pursuing troops result in the deaths of dozens of orcs. They're frequently decapitated (generally by elven blades) and shot with arrows. We see the arrows penetrate skulls, and one particularly potent shaft skewers two orcs at once. Sword and knife fights fell still more.
One particularly wince-inducing scene involves Thranduil swiftly and unexpectedly cutting off an orc's head right after promising to spare the creature. One of the fights between orcs, dwarves and elves takes place in Bard's home, where his two adolescent girls witness the hideous attackers being killed.
The company's encounter with the giant spiders of Mirkwood has the multi-fanged creatures lunging and gnashing at their prey. We hear spiders talking about how "fat and juicy" their dwarven meals will be. But Bilbo dispatches several with his short sword, now dubbed Sting. And the dwarves each grab a leg of one spider and pull, yanking its limbs off.
We see the side of Thranduil's face burn away and regenerate. After getting shot with an arrow, Kili has to break it off, leaving part of it in his body. (Later we see a bloody, infected wound.) Kili also tumbles down a flight of stairs. There's talk of slavery, torture and the thirst for blood.
Profanity: Thorin brags that he told Thranduil he could "go [unspellable dwarvish word] himselfhim and all his kin."
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking:Several characters smoke pipes, and folks are shown drinking ale at the Prancing Pony. Thranduil's wood elves make wine that they send down the river; a couple of them seem to have consumed too much of it, and they're shown passed out with their heads on a table. The master of Lake Town asks for a brandy
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Smuag is frightening and can scare some viewers.
The giant spiders might be very frightening, especially for viewers with arachnophobia.
A dragon blows fire into the screen, what can make viewers "jump".
Azog the orc's look may be frightening for some viewers.
When Beorn is turned into a bear, he can be quite scary for younger viewers.
It's showed that the living dead wizard and his followers have risen from their tombs.
Story: After successfully crossing over (and under) the Misty Mountains, Thorin and Company must seek aid from a powerful stranger before taking on the dangers of Mirkwood Forest--without their Wizard. If they reach the human settlement of Lake-town it will be time for the hobbit Bilbo Baggins to fulfill his contract with the dwarves. The party must complete the journey to Lonely Mountain and burglar Baggins must seek out the Secret Door that will give them access to the hoard of the dragon Smaug. And, where has Gandalf got off to? And what is his secret business to the south
Likes : If I could say one thing about this film, it would be outstanding, the storyline was told brilliantly although there is a slight change in the story from the book in a curtain scene, but the dragon scene is just outstanding special effects.
When I first saw the dragon on the trailer I did think at first oh this is going to look really cheesy but after seeing this film my jaw nearly hit the floor when the dragon reveals itself just the look alone is outstanding, Seriously it was like looking it to the face of pure evil, it can tell it was not cheaply done iver it just match the evil & arrogant nature.
Benedict Cumberbatch I can say what an outstanding performance for the voice of the dragon Smaug, he seriously bought out what Smaug would sound like in middle earth & seriously gave me chill's just watch this dragon on screen, im a big fan of dragon's the design & look was just perfect for the last dragon it show a demonic & evil look, special the way benedict voice give's the character of its own evil concept is just amazing, Benedict is the voice of the necromancer which the special effect were amazing as well.
Evangeline Lilly as Tauriel was nothing short of brilliant, her character as a humble humanity side to her but she is not woman to mess with as she seriously kick ass in this film, she not a character that in the book but its a welcome character to the film that really dose fit in.
A female Wood-elf from Mirkwood, Tauriel is the captain of Thranduil's guards. Her name means "daughter of the forest". When Tauriel was still small her Silvan parents were killed by Orcs; she was raised in Thranduil's halls and thinks of Legolas as an older brother. Tauriel is approximately 600 years old she fights like legolas which is awesome in this film.
Orlando Bloom as legolas, I this film show a different side of him before the fellowship of the ring , he seem to have this cold hearted demeanour about him which is a characteric's of his father King Thranduil played by Lee Pace who doesn't seem to care about the world outside he own kingdom, but legolas has a fondness to Tauriel I think its because there is something about her that changes he ways or the way she see thing's for the better, it noticeable in this film.
Martin Freeman return as Bilbo you come to see his character as become a lot more braver & courage in this film, I like the way you get to see him use the ring, which show's a lot more going on than we think, but you notice that the ring is changing him like it did with Frodo in lord of the rings. What make this character shine is the confrontation with Smuag ,wow what a performance really showing a believeable scene when he was speaking with Smuag you could hear the fear in his voice, to be honest if you were being starred down by a dragon that looks like that , hell you would be scared as well.
You will notice that this is a very darker & menacing side of the story of hobbit which really work's in show a dark evil has arisen & is drawing power again to burn the world down. A lot of people probably wont like the way it ended but I think it a perfect ending leave it on a cliff hanger, because it leaves you wanting to see that last film there & back again where I bet we will get to see a much darker story than this one.
I found this film better for character development as really brought out all the characters personality better, you kind of notice with Thorin Oakenshield play by Richard Armitage he attitude started to change as they got closer to the mountain it was like he was going the same way as he father.
what I also like was the necromancer peter Jackson actually gave it a character & body in a spirit form of a dark misty cloud with extremely dark power which was good as it give a dark edge to the film other than the dragon.
This is a film u shouldn't miss at the cinema, this is one lord of rings film that is outstanding in every way possible, just down to the way the acting & special effect, the design & look of the dragon this film deserver's an Oscar, I only watched this film is 2D but I bet the dragon scene is amazing in 3D.This is a film I recommend to all lord of the ring's fans.
Dislikes : Nothing wrong with this film it just an outstanding film.
Overall : Best dragon design, best voice acting for the dragon, outstanding performance from all the cast this is one film not to be missed.
Rating: 5 out of 5 for entertainment / 10 out of 10 for storyline/dragon design.

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