Cert: 12A
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: Rated PG-13 for sequences of violence and action, and some language
A man calls a woman a whore.
A man says that he cross dresses to feel powerful.
Wonder Woman's outfit is somewhat revealing.
Violence & Gore: All violence is animated pg-12
Profanity: One use of the work shit, one use of the word whore, one use of the term douche-bag, and other mild profanity (hell, damn).
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: None
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Note: While Justice League: War isn't as violent as it's predecessor Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, the film still has some bloody scenes, and some strong violence in it. The film is not appropriate for younger children.
Darkseid may frighten younger children as well as some of the other aliens.

Story: The world's finest heroes found the Justice League in order to stop an alien invasion of Earth.
Likes : This is unlike the previous film flash paradox, this film is set before the justice league is form where the hero come together after fighting each other to realize they need to stand together as a team to face a deadly threat darksied & his forces.
If you love paradox your love this film as it show how victor become cyborg, which was a little violent in a way he seem to have a clash of confidence because of the feud with his father being a hard man to please.
I believe if the justice league was done this way for the live action film it would work but also depends on what why they are doing it.
As for a Dc animated film these film just get better & better, there just something about the Dc animated film that are aim for adults even when its animated with a lot of violence & blood.Although this one is slightly tame on the blood there is some scene that maybe frightening for younger viewers so be warned of that if you get this for your kids to watch.
The voice acting is perfect special for he characters, Christopher Gorham voice of The Flash/Barry Allen, Justin Kirk voice of Green Lantern / Hal Jordan, Michelle Monaghan voice of Wonder Woman, Shemar Moore voice of Cyborg / Victor Stone, Jason O'Mara voice of Batman / Bruce Wayne, Alan Tudyk voice of Superman & Steve Blum voice of Darkseid.
If your a justice league fan this is one to watch, brilliant but weird how they keep going back to the start of a justice league with this films instead of forward but still this film is brilliant.
Dislikes : As much as i love seeing different adaptation of the beginning of the justice league i think they need to push these animated film forward & not keep going back to the origins it get boring because everyone know how the justice league as formed
Overall : Pretty cool animated film to show a different way the league was formed
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 for entertainment / 9 out of 10 for animated film/storytelling.

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