Cert: 15 cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity:A man disguised as a senior citizen plays several pranks with fake latex genitals: He appears to be having intercourse with a vending machine coin return and when the phallus gets stuck in the slot, he calls on several men for help, pulling away from the vending machine to show an extended, stretchy penis stuck in the return, along with latex testicles and gray pubic hair; as men try to help him, he pulls away and nearly falls, stretching the latex organ to over a foot in length as he shouts for help while the men look puzzled and none of them can get him unstuck.
An elderly man in a bar approaches several male exotic dancers and takes off his trousers when an artificial set of testicles on a long expanse of flesh fall out of a leg hole in his briefs as people gasp; some women laugh and the male dancers look horrified as the man dances and chases people, who run and fall over tables and chairs.
An elderly man fishes in a water trap on a large golf course; he catches a giant fish and pulls it out of the water in front of three male golfers to reveal that the fish has a long penis and large set of testicles and when the man trips, causing the genitals to hit him in the face, the golfers look disgusted.
An elderly man sitting in a shopping cart outside a fast food drive-thru window (please see the Substance Use category for more details) orders chicken breasts or "whatever other breasts" they have; he then he orders a slang term for sex; one woman worker calls another woman over and says that the man wants her and she says, "I'm not having sex with that man!"
An eight-year-old boy dresses like a little girl in a frilly pink dress to enter a beauty pageant and he performs a sailor routine to the song "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean"; he then rips off the costume to reveal a stripper outfit of a bra, panties, garter belt and frilly hosiery as the music changes to Warrant's "Cherry Pie" and the boy pole dances and gets down on all fours, beckoning the audience to "come hither" with his middle finger as his grandfather jumps on-stage to shower him with dollar bills; several parents in the audience look horrified and two mothers cover their daughters' eyes while one father laughs.
Young girls in a beauty pageant are sexualized as they wear heavy makeup and adult-looking short gowns that reveal bare thighs; some girls wear thigh-high hose and/or garters as well.
In out-takes, a man driving a car exposes his bare buttocks to the camera; we see buttocks and some hair.
A woman wears a tight, clingy sleeveless tank top and form-fitting leggings with her bra straps showing on her shoulders and an elderly man tells her that she is hotter than a Puerto Rican picnic.
As a woman passes by, an elderly man says that she is sexy and asks if she has 36 Ds or 36 full Cs (bra size) and she walks away.
An elderly man says that his dead wife had not permitted him sex with her since the 1990s and that time was only for spite; he calls his penis "Leroy" and tells it that they both are free, since the old woman died.
An elderly man in a hospital waiting room hums as he looks at a magazine ad of a cheerleader with her legs spread, revealing panties and upper thighs toward the camera; he then turns to an ad of a large cut papaya and calls it "her," implying it looks like female genitalia.
An elderly man tells passersby that his wife died of "vagitosis."
At a Mexican food market, an elderly man tells the clerk that his nickname is "El Mucho Ding Dong."
On a bridge, an elderly man tells a boy that, if he has to pee, dangle his penis through the railing and pee into the river.
A young boy tells his grandfather that he kissed a girl and dated her for one day.
A man sits at a computer screen during a Skype conversation, wearing a sleeveless undershirt; a woman walking past behind him is shown wearing a halter-top and mini skirt that reveal shoulders, arms, cleavage, bare abdomen and partial thighs.
At a bar, male and female bikers wear sleeveless shirts that reveal many arm tattoos.
A man with sagging jeans walks away and we see his underpants.
An elderly man walks home wearing his briefs (no flesh showing) as a man stares at him on the sidewalk.
Several women attending a wedding wear scoop neck tops that reveal a little cleavage.
A young boy removes his trouser to sleep wearing briefs and a shirt (we see his thighs and legs).
Violence & Gore: An elderly man in a hospital waiting room laughs as a nurse tells him that his wife passed away and at the funeral, he states that he and his dead wife spent all their time in combat when his adult daughter and young grandson interrupt him, step outside the room and argue loudly; they re-enter the parlor and struggle over the corpse, because the daughter stole the pearls off it causing the body to fall out of the coffin and onto the floor as mourners and singers rise and gasp; the choir begins a joyful hymn and the elderly man picks up the body and dances with it (men and women look shocked, mouths agape and eyes wide).
An elderly man and a young boy ask two moving men to help wrap up the body of an elderly woman; the movers looked stunned, help wrap it in bed sheets and carry it out to a car trunk where the four people pray and the elderly man states that they have committed a crime (one mover steps away quickly and the other follows); the man and boy drive to a motel, where they get the body from the trunk, drop it accidentally at the feet of another man and toss it into a room (the neighbor looks puzzled as the scene ends); later, the elderly man and the boy throw the body over a bridge into the river, where it floats.
Bikers that ride to raise awareness about child abuse rescue a young boy from his father in a biker bar; they hold both the father and the grandfather back when a fistfight between the two men begins after the older man cries and asks to have custody of the child; one biker tells the father, "You ain't gonna kill anybody, brother. You're looking at the Angel of Death right now" as the father screams about losing his meal ticket of $600/month; the bikers help the grandfather take the child away.
At a market, an elderly man and a boy steal bread from a bag, lunchmeat from a package and eat sandwiches in an aisle; the man stuffs a whole loaf of bread down the front of his pants and a manager confronts the two while another manager chases them as they run out of the store and the manager blocks the driver's side door of their car and curses at the man.
A boy punches an elderly man in the trousers (no injury occurs).
A young boy pushes an elderly man in a grocery cart and overturns the cart, dumping the man on the ground (no injury is shown).
An elderly man and a younger man argue loudly outside a diner about a broken penguin statue on the sidewalk that the old man damaged with his car.
At an estate sale, an elderly man sits on his bed and asks a customer to punch the button on the control box; when she does, the bed folds up a dozen times, capturing the old man inside the mattress as he screams in pain and the woman trembles and hyperventilates.
An elderly man tries to ship a boy in a large carton at a FedEx type-store; the boy makes noises and talks inside the carton, scaring the two clerks who gasp and squeal and one of them screams as the boy slaps the lid open.
Stopping for gas at a gas station, an elderly man's driver side air bag inflates into his face and he yells, "Ouch!"
A grandfather and his grandson crash a wedding party and we see the man reach for a glass of champagne from a champagne tower beside a large cake and knocks the entire table over onto himself (people scream and panic, but the man is uninjured).
A grandfather and his grandson flatulate loudly in a restaurant booth several times and other patrons shake their heads in disgust.
An elderly man stands on his seat in a restaurant and delivers a spray of fake defecation to the corner of the room behind him and two diners stare in surprise; as the man and his grandson run out of the place, a woman tells a man, "He pooped!"
A young boy flatulates in bed.
A young boy tells a passerby that his grandfather smells like old farts.
A man on a computer screen during a Skype conversation wears stringy hair and stark white facial makeup with black circles painted around his eyes and mouth; his jeans and shirt are dirty and wrinkled.
A young boy drinks beer from a can and vomits it back up onto a sidewalk (we see the vomit from mouth to ground).
An elderly man drives his car into a row of motorcycles and knocks one bike completely over.
Profanity: About 10 F-words and its derivatives, 7 obscene hand gestures, 8 sexual references, 12 scatological terms, 15 anatomical terms, 18 mild obscenities, 1 derogatory term for gay people, 1 religious profanity (GD) and 27 religious exclamations (e.g. Oh My God, Oh God, Lord, Lordy, God Bless You, Honest to God, Jesus and Jesus Christ).
Name-calling (crazy, idiot, kook, Tootsie roll, schmuck, meal ticket and crabby old bag.)
Stereotypical references to senior citizens, children, unfit parents, pageant moms, African-Americans, Jews, Hispanics, Bikers, gays and male strippers
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: A child in the lobby of a law office tells other patrons that his mother loves cocaine and that it gives her bad breath and that she has to go to jail.
A child on a street corner tells passersby that his mother loves drugs and men and women stare at him.
An elderly man drinks beer from a can and has a few cans of beer sitting next to him on a picnic table.
A young boy drinks beer from a can and vomits it back up onto a sidewalk (we see the vomit from mouth to ground) and a woman tells the boy's grandfather that the boy should not be drinking.
An elderly man and a boy carry cans of beer as they walk beside railroad tracks and wave at passing trains.
A young boy wheels an elderly man sitting in a grocery cart to the pick-up window at a fast food restaurant as the man drinks beer from a can.
An elderly man at a Bingo game takes out a blender and makes Margaritas at his seat (he drinks one) while women near him laugh and move to other seats.
A man walks into a room and he drinks from a bottle of beer.
A grandfather and his grandson crash a wedding party and we see the man reach for a glass of champagne from a champagne tower beside a large cake and knocks the entire table over onto himself (people scream and panic, but the man is uninjured.)
A biker bar features several tables at which men and women sit and drink glasses of beer while a few more men sit at the bar drinking from glasses and bottles of beer.
A man smokes a cigarette while several empty beer bottles are seen on a coffee table.
A man smokes a cigarette on a street corner.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: All the violence is comical and is made for entertainment purposes. However, majority of the stunts performed by Knoxville (in heavy make-up) are disturbing and painful. The stunts should not be re-enacted as stated in the previous Jackass films.
Story: Eighty-six-year-old Irving Zisman is on a journey across America with the most unlikely companion: his eight-year-old grandson Billy, in "Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa". This October, the signature Jackass characters Irving Zisman (Johnny Knoxville) and Billy (Jackson Nicoll) will take movie audiences along for the most insane hidden camera road trip ever captured on camera. Along the way Irving will introduce the young and impressionable Billy to people, places, and situations that give new meaning to the term "childrearing". The duo will encounter male strippers, disgruntled child beauty pageant contestants (and their equally disgruntled mothers), funeral home mourners, biker bar patrons, and a whole lot of unsuspecting citizens. Real people in unreal situations, making for one really messed up comedy
Likes : This film has its funny moment that you will laugh at, It funny how johnny Knoxville can get away with things like this without getting arrested or hurt which is very surprising, I use to love the jackass movie in there time as they use to pull off some of the most outrageous stunts & prank that were complete hilarious, but i think jackass has had its day in the film industry.
Don't get me wrong this film had its moments but some of the jokes were a little over the top you can see they were completely stage,but i just think these film should stop now.
Dislikes : one thing i had is these child pageants, although they try to make a joke out it it by putting a boy in a strippers clothe dance like a stripper on stage i think that was wrong to even put that in a film, any one that thinks that was funny you really need to check you state of mind because that child pornography.
As for the jackass movies this is one film that died out years ago, this is just milking a dead film genre.
Overall : Has some funny moment, but don't expect much.
Rating: 3.2 out of 5 for entertainment / 4 out of 10 for storyline/comedy

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