Cert: 12A
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: Frequent talk of sex
The guys judge a bikini contest, hosted by LMFAO, who judge women on their sex appeal. Then, when Redfoo comes up to one of the guys, he takes off his pants and shakes his crotch in front of the guy's face.
A man's wife gives him a condom, a viagra pill and permission to cheat, resulting him hitting on multiple women, one of them turning out to be trans-gender.
A woman zips off her top (no frontal nudity) in front of a man, as he tries to get a viagra pill, he is seduced by the woman. As they are about to have sex, the man decides against having sex and the woman leaves. As she leaves, he mentions of a "blow job."
Violence & Gore: none.
Profanity: 1 f-word, other mild profanities throughout. Sexual dialogue is heard.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Characters drink alcohol at bars. Brief mention of drugs, everyone drinking at a party.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: None.

Story: Billy (Michael Douglas), Paddy (Robert De Niro), Archie (Morgan Freeman) and Sam (Kevin Kline) have been best friends since childhood. So when Billy, the group's sworn bachelor, finally proposes to his thirty-something (of course) girlfriend, the four head to Las Vegas with a plan to stop acting their age and relive their glory days. However, upon arriving, the four quickly realize that the decades have transformed Sin City and tested their friendship in ways they never imagined. The Rat Pack may have once played the Sands and Cirque du Soleil may now rule the Strip, but it's these four who are taking over Vegas.
Likes : This film is what it is a brilliant film, it not going to win an Oscar or be a number one film but this is what Hangover should of been, its seriously funny, heart-warming & show just because you are old you can still enjoy life & party like the old day's.
Legend's in there own right Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman Kevin Kline bring the most hilarious film ever as after 60 years of friendship they can still part like animal's & get in to all sort of mayhem, its so refreshing and funny together, they really played off of each other well and because of that the film moved along at a great pace you don't get board watching it.
This film is a representation on what friendship is no matter what life has throw at you, no matter how many time you have fall out, loyalty is what keeps friendship's for years by being there for each other,i love this film because its a fun film to watch.
It the type of film that goes from middle age Crisis to a wild fun time to a heart warm moment type of film that kind of dose make you think of life in a way, as getting old you start to reflect on life & everything you've done, if you not with that one person that you true love or with loyal friends its hard getting old because that all you think about this really show's in this film with Michael Douglas character which was brilliant performed, it Also hard when you loss a wife after 30 good years of marriage which was brilliantly performed by Robert De Nio character.
I don't know what was more funny Kevin Kline acting like a sugar daddy or Morgan Freeman dancing classic scene in this film that just make this film brilliant.This is one film you should seriously watch because this was better that hangover by miles its a must to watch.
Dislikes : Nothing wrong with this film.
Overall : Completely funny, Heart-warming, life reflecting a must to watch.

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