Cert: 12A
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A man holds a woman's head in his hands and they kiss; we then see a tussled bed (sex is implied) and the man and the woman are shown on the floor next to the bed with a sheet covering the woman's chest and the man's bare chest is visible; they share pillow talk as the man caresses the woman's face lovingly and they kiss.
A man and a woman are seen together in bed, the woman is wearing the man's shirt and we see the man shirtless (his bare chest and back are visible); the woman asks the man why he smokes after sex and he jokes about enjoying the second greatest pleasure after the first greatest pleasure.
A man kisses a woman and we see them in bed together later (sex is implied); the man's bare chest is visible, the woman rests her head on the man's chest and we see him kiss her on the forehead.
A woman sits up in bed and we see a small portion of her bare shoulder.
We see a woman wearing a low-cut bathing suit (cleavage is visible).
We see many photographs of a woman wearing a bathing suit and see many paparazzi taking photographs of the woman wearing a bathing suit.
We see a man wearing a bathing suit on multiple occasions, his bare back and chest are visible.
A man and a woman hug, the man puts his hands on the woman's hips as he hugs her from behind and we see them in bed together (sex is implied); the man is shirtless and his bare chest is visible.
We see a man and a woman kissing.
A man and woman appear to hug, the man puts his hands on the woman's hips and they kiss briefly; we see a photograph of the kiss in multiple newspapers.
A man attempts to kiss a woman, she turns her head to deflect the kiss and he kisses her neck.
A woman leaps into a man's arms and they embrace.
A man and woman hold hands.
A man and woman run, hand in hand.
A man and woman stare longingly at one another as they sit in the back of a car.
We see a headline of a newspaper with a picture of a man, saying that the picture is a woman's "secret lover."
A man asks a woman what she thinks of him, saying that he had been told that he had slept with the woman.
We hear a woman's side of a conversation, where she denies being in a relationship with a man.
Violence & Gore: A woman watches as a man performs surgery on a person in a hospital bed with his chest open and bloody tubes coming from the body; the doctor asks for paddles to start the heart (we hear the beeping of the heart monitor go off), we see the paddles enter the chest cavity and shock the heart causing splashes of blood to spray the doctor's scrubs and the bedding.
A man and a woman discuss how the man had performed surgery on another man otherwise he would have died within two days.
We see a woman visiting a hospital where she sees a young girl whose leg is missing; we see blood on a blanket behind the girl as a woman explains that the girl had walked over a landmine and her intestines had spilled out of her back.
We see a young girl with a missing a leg on hospital bed and a small boy with his arm amputated.
A woman scales a fence to escape from paparazzi outside a man's apartment and we see her slip down from the fence; we later see the woman's torn stockings and a small bloody cut on her leg.
A woman is startled by paparazzi popping out from around the corner.
A man slams his hands on car window and he shouts at a woman inside the car.
A man shoves another man away, as he tries to get very close to a woman to take a picture.
Several paparazzi come very close to a woman, crowding around her and trying to take a picture.
A woman runs from paparazzi trying to take her picture and she collapses into a taxi.
A man jumps out of the way to avoid a woman racing her car toward him.
A woman walks into a hospital room where we see an older man with an IV hooked up to his arm and a breathing tube; an older woman tells the woman that the man had hemorrhaged from a previous surgery and a doctor tells the two women that the man should get better, but will need to have a second surgery.
We see a large explosion as journalists watch; a woman is shown walking slowly through a former minefield site and we hear a journalist tell a group of people watching that a person had died three weeks previously from an landmine blowing up; the woman speaks to the journalists and tells them that just a month earlier she would have died if she walked through the field.
On multiple occasions we see armed guards, holding large rifles, standing guard at a barricaded entrance to a house.
We hear a woman rehearse a statement, saying that she had inflicted injury on her arms and legs as a way to cope with depression.
During an interview, we see a recording of a woman explaining that she had inflicted injury on her arms and legs as part of her depression.
A woman tells an older woman (a therapist) about a dream of being dropped into darkness.
A woman tells an older woman that she has a nightmare about flying.
A woman shouts in a man's face, and then races away.
A man shouts at a woman as they break up.
A man shouts at a woman and the woman shouts back.
A man shouts at a woman.
A woman shouts at a man and then apologizes moments later.
A woman interrupts a man and another woman arguing.
A man chides a woman, saying that she had put her staff in danger.
A woman comforts a woman mourning at the grave of her son.
A man shouts at a television while watching sports.
In frustration, a woman angrily throws a remote control at a television.
A man and a woman discuss how people can and cannot die from a "broken heart" and the man adds that he believes a well-known writer had died from a broken heart.
A man tells a woman that his mentor had died after being mugged at gunpoint and was shot twice when he resisted.
A woman asks a man if newspapers had publicized photographs of "children with blasted off arms and legs."
An older woman tells a woman that she holds the woman's former husband's uncle responsible for a war that left many people dead when a country's borders were crossed.
A woman jokingly tells a man that he is going to be kidnapped and taken to the Tower of London and tortured with medieval torture devices by the woman's soon-to-be ex-husband.
Over the phone, a woman jokes with her son to "Take care and don't shoot any corgis" while on a hunting trip.
We hear a woman's voiceover explain that a woman had died and we see many tearful mourners gathered in a park to place flowers against a fence.
We see a title card at the end of the movie explaining that deaths from landmines had fallen by over 60% since a woman's death.
A man awakens, startled, in the middle of the night; he is covered in sweat and obviously upset.
A woman collapses in tears as she plays the piano.
We see an older woman apply an acupuncture needle to a woman's foot.
A woman jokingly drops a crab down the back of a man's shirt, and the man chases the woman with the crab, fake-threatening to drop it down her back
Profanity: About 5 F-words and its derivatives (1 is British slang), 2 sexual references, 1 scatological term, 1 mild anatomical term, 1 mild obscenity and 3 religious exclamations (e.g. God and God Forsaken.)
Name-calling (bloody irritating, loose cannon, so smug, rubbish, mad-damn, stalker, tough nut to crack and dramatic) and exclamations (shut up, bloody and bullocks.)
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Throughout the movie we see men and women drinking wine.
We see a man drinking beer at a bar on multiple occasions.
Men and women in a bar drink alcoholic drinks and smoke cigarettes.
Throughout the movie a man smokes cigarettes and is frequently chided by a woman for smoking.
A woman tells a man that he is a doctor and should know better than to smoke.
We see a woman smoking.
A man tells a woman that as a child he would exhale in cold air and he and his friends would pantomime that they were smoking.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: None

Story: During the last two years of her life, Princess Diana embarks on a final rite of passage: a secret love affair with Pakistani heart surgeon Hasnat Khan.
Likes : This film is very controversial in the way of Diana private life after charlies, despite the critic say this film portray her in a bad way i don't think it really did, i think it show a really person going through allot in life being a princess & also having to deal with the media crap.
If any thing this portrayed the media as being what they are disrespectful news hounding people they are making up crap to sell a story for this very reason people shouldn't listen to the media because their full of sh*t.
I can see why some people may think this film portray her in the wrong way by having a secret romance with Hasnat Khan played brilliantly by Naveen Andrews which i think is done to racism because at the end of the day everyone deserve love even if your a princess, you cant spend the rest of your life alone, beside charlie moved on so why couldn't Diana.
One thing this film did do is show her life work helping people with the land mines & other charity, it why everyone loved her for her generosity i think Naomi Watts played Diana beautifully with a brilliant performance.
All those this film is a mellow dramatic drama its not really going to be for everyone unless your a Diana fan, it basically her life story after charlie clearly lending up to de l'Alma in Paris, near the entrance to the tunnel where the Princess of Wales died in a car accident in 1997, which to this day i think was murder but without prove you have no evidence, personally i think some one in the royal family had a hand it it but these are conspiracy.
Dislikes : It not really my type of film, but it was watchable, but the pace of the film was a little to slow for me i think it could of been a little be faster in pace.
Overall : A little slow, watchable, very controversial
Rating: 3.4 out of 5 for entertainment / 6.4 out of 10 for story/ life proprietorial of Diana

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