Cert: 18 cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A man under the influence of drugs masturbates while looking at a woman in the middle of a crowded party.
A woman opens her bedroom doors and stands before a man fully nude; her bare breasts, abdomen, shaved vagina and legs are visible. They have sex and we hear him grunting and see their lower legs as he thrusts on her and climaxes.
A man asks another man if the man masturbates. The man then goes to explain to the other man the necessity of masturbating in the workplace, and explains how often he masturbates.
A man is seen snorting cocaine off the breasts of a woman.
A man and a woman have sex; we see him thrusting on top of her, with her bare breasts, vagina and buttocks visible, while his bare buttocks, back and legs are seen.
A man and woman have sex in a restroom; we see her bare buttocks.
One of the characters in the film is married to his cousin. Two men discuss the possibility of the married man having deformed children out of incest.
Prostitutes are mentioned and shown through out the film
A fairly brief but still explicit scene of an orgy taking place on an airplane occurs. Lot's of breasts are seen, with male buttocks thrusting on top of females.
A woman walks in on a gay orgy and witnesses many men having sex in various positions; thrusting, bare chests, abdomens, bare buttocks and legs are seen. (No genitals)
A man and woman have sex while other people watch at an office party; we see her bare breasts.
A orgy occurs inside of an office. Men and women in various states of undress are shown kissing and fondling and having sex during this scene; bare breasts and buttocks are visible.
A woman thrusts on top of a man and her bare breasts are visible.
A man and a woman have sex; we see thrusting, and his bare back and buttocks are shown.
A man and woman have sex; we see her bare thigh and his bare buttock and back. It lasts around two minutes and features a large amount of thrusting, moaning and very vulgar/explicit dialogue.
Two men and a woman have sex; one thrusts from behind while she performs oral sex on the other; we see her bare breasts and side of her buttock.
A man is shown lying nude on his stomach while a woman straddles his bare buttocks and places a burning candle in his anus; the woman then drips hot wax on his back and he yells. His buttocks are seen.
A woman performs oral sex on a man and other people watch and cheer; we see the woman's head bobbing rhythmically.
A man snorts cocaine out of a woman's anus and smacks her bare buttocks; we see the woman's buttocks.
A woman performs oral sex on a man while he is driving; we see her head bobbing up and down in his lap.
A woman spreads her legs to reveal her vagina to a man; she then masturbates in front of him, while two other men watch from a CCTV camera. Her vagina is briefly seen.
A man talks about how a woman who got married slept with and performed oral sex on everyone in her workplace.
In several scenes throughout the movie, fully nude women shown with their breast, vagina, and butt clearly visible.
A man heavily inebriated by drugs pretends to have sex with a flight attendant against her will; he thrusts onto her from behind as she tries to push him away and kisses another woman simultaneously who also pushes him away.
Sexual references throughout, some quite graphic.
Violence & Gore: A husband and his wife argue bitterly, she hits him in the face and he hits her back; he then punches her in the stomach and leaves her lying on the floor.
A man punches another man in the face three times and we see blood spray from his nose
Two men hold another man over a balcony and threaten to drop him.
A man almost drowns himself while trying to find drugs aboard a sinking ship.
A man argues with another man and one man punches the other.
We hear that a man was depressed and killed himself and we see him lying in a bathtub filled with bloody water and there is blood on his arm and the floor around the tub.
A man chokes on food and falls to the floor breaking a glass top table on the way down; another man pushes on the first man's chest. The second man saves the first man eventually via CPR.
We hear that a seagull few into the engine of a plane and we see the plane explode mid-air.
We see a yacht sailing in heavy seas; a helicopter on the top of the yacht slides off and into the waves, waves crash through the windows and two men and two women are rescued.
A man drives under the influence and he swerves on the road (we see his car later and it is a crumpled mess).
A very intoxicated man flies a helicopter and nearly crashes it in his back yard.
A man sticks his fingers down his throat and vomits (we hear gagging) and then performs an enema on himself.
A man eats another man's live gold fish and fires him.
A man flicks a lit cigarette in another man's face.
Some men are seen fighting in the background at an office.
Profanity: 506 uses of "fuck" and its derivatives, making it the film with the second highest amount of f-words in history, only behind the documentary "Fuck."
3 uses of "cunt".
70 uses of "shit"
Lots of religious profanity.
Countless uses of other insulting terms related to sexual organs.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Constant use of drugs throughout the film,
A man gives a lengthy monologue about how many drugs he does.
Several main characters are highly addicted to cocaine and pills, and are shown using them very frequently.
A man is seen snorting cocaine out of a woman's anus.
A man is seen snorting cocaine off of a woman's breasts.
Two men smoke crack and behave erratically.
Cocaine is consumed almost constantly by the main character.
The film also portrays characters drinking alcohol excessively.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The film is considered a comedy overall; however, it deals with themes such as sex and drug addiction, criminal activities and their negative effects.
During a fight a man slaps his wife and punches her in the stomach when she threatens to take his daughter away from him. He then takes the girl into his car, backs out of the garage quickly and hits a tree. She is not injured but he has a bloody cut on his forehead. The entire scene is intense and can be distressing for some.
A scene where a character begins to choke on some food can be slightly intense.
A scene where a boat is trapped in a hurricane like storm can be intense.

Story: In The Wolf of Wall Street DiCaprio plays Belfort, a Long Island penny stockbroker who served 36 months in prison for defrauding investors in a massive 1990s securities scam that involved widespread corruption on Wall Street and in the corporate banking world, including shoe designer Steve Madden
Likes : Martin Scorsese is one of the best director in the world, this is one of his film's that contains a lot of adult theme content, based on a true story where its easy to become corrupt with power & money.Coning people to make money & get rich fast which goes against ever law in the state, is why this man ended up in prison with a few other men that worked in wall street proving you can escape the law of the F.B.I because they will catch you out sometime down the line.
I'm not much of a Leonardo DiCaprio fan but he's performance in film is spot on, special with this film as he plays Jordan Belfort , Jordan Belfort is the son of Max and Leah Belfort of New York. In 1989, he and Daniel Porush founded the now defunct brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont which became the largest OTC firm in the United States at that time. Jordan and his business partner were charged with 10 counts of securities fraud and money laundering for the stock manipulation of at least 25 companies that Stratton had underwritten.
After serving approximately 22 months in prison he was also ordered to return $100 million to former clients. He reportedly had been earning upwards to $50 million a year during his later years before the Department of Justice in the United States shut his operation down.
Some of this film you kind of find yourself straying a little as it dose get a bit boring at time, but the funny moment's really dose make you laugh special some scene there so ridiculous you can help but laugh i bet the stars film on set couldn't stop laughing after film that scene because Ive never laugh so hard it was to funny.
There is a lot adult content as i said most of it is a gay concept & naked woman, with alot of drug's & alcohol use which is pretty strong in this film but that to be expected in this type of film being rich & powerful.
All in all this wasn't a bad film to watch as i said its has its laughable moment's to dam right stupid moments but as a true story i think they told a pretty true story of the life of Jordan Belfort down to every detail of what he did.This is pretty well scripted with some brilliant performance from all the stars in this film f you a Leonardo DiCaprio fan your like this film.
Dislikes : The slight slow moment can make you kind of stray from the film a bit, i don't like the female abuse because you don't hit woman full stop, i didn't like those scenes, apart from that this isn't a bad film.
Overall : Adult theme's, drug's, drinking. naked woman, funny moments, not a bad film
Rating: 4.6 out of 5 for entertainment / 7.5 out of 10 for story-line of a true story

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