Director: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo, Joss Whedon
Screen play: Christopher Markus , Stephen McFeely
Comic book: Joe Simon , Jack Kirby
Starring: Scarlett Johansson, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans, Hayley Atwell, Emily VanCamp, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Redford, Stan Lee.
running time: 136 mins
Cert: 12A
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: One brief kiss scene, not romantic. One time a man is seen topless. Brief mention of what someone looks like in a bikini
Violence & Gore: From the start, there is plenty of action. This consists of hand to hand combat, weapons being fired. There are some scenes of blood and is probably the most intense Marvel film to date.
Profanity: 2 uses of the S word.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: none
Frightening/Intense Scenes: There are several intense scenes throughout the film, where the characters are in danger. The film is generally darker in tone.

Story: Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and battles a new threat from old history: the Soviet agent known as the Winter Soldier.
Likes : Wow, probably the best sequel ive seen in a film, although the plot was a little weak as to carry on the hydra story-line which was OK not the best idea but the action is off the chart's which redeem's that side of the story it well balanced.
The Winter Soldier is the darkest story we've come to encounter, raising many deep-seated questions about government and soldiers of war while also taking Rogers on an emotional journey. It also has the best action choreography among all of the MCU movies thus far. Whedon's NYC battle in The Avengers is beautifully shot and written, but cannot compare to the hard-hitting set pieces found in The Winter Soldier, each building up to the bigger whole. The Russo brothers come from a background of directing television comedies such as Arrested Development and Community, and it's extraordinary how well they handle a big budget action blockbuster from cinematography to pacing.
They do infuse their own style of comedy with fun references and a cameo other than Stan Lee, functioning properly within the confines of the tone and story. Henry Jackman (Captain Phillips; Wreck-It Ralph; X-Men: First Class) also composes an adrenaline pumping score that sets the right mood every time.
There is one faultier in this film tho that could of been in this film, Anthony Mackie as the falcon done a fantastic job in his role he looked amazing,Scarlett Johansson as black widow done brilliantly as well, but i felt like this film could of done with iron man or hawk eye to help captain america as well in this film as they were shield agents as well they were no where to be seen.
I think marvel failed on that point despite this film be fantastic because i think they could of been called in to help as well, Good thing about the story-line as well is it revels what really happened to buck before he became the winter soldier i thought that was well put & clear to understand, also a good move was to bring back Hayley Atwell character Peggy carter i think that was a nice touch to the film slightly emotional as well.
I never would of thought that you would get Samuel L. Jackson & Robert Redford in the same film together two brilliant actors that played there roles brilliant in this film,I don't know if it just me but the fight scene were mental & brutal just the way he throw he's shield with such force it make you cringe to think what that must be like to get hit with that force.
This is a film well worth the money & film i recommend watch on the big screen which as always with marvel film's there is a scene mid credit that ties in with the Avengers 2 film which revels surprising character's if you have already know who they are & a scene at the end of the credit roll.This is a must see.
Dislikes : The only complaint i have is the fact on a news article it said that the new turtles remake film official trailer would be shown before the film started, but there was no trailer for this film so im disappointed that who ever wrote that article got their information wrong or they lied about it.
Overall : Fast action, brilliant fight scenes, slightly weak plot line but overall a fantastic film.
Rating: 5 out of 5 for entertainment / 10 out of 10 for action / C.G.I for falcon & the ships.