Sunday 9 November 2014

Film Review: Dont Blink

Genre: Horror  Mystery  Sci-Fi

Cert: 18 cert

Director: Travis Oates

Screen writer: Travis Oates

Starring: Mena Suvari , Brian Austin Green , Robert Picardo , Joanne Kelly , Fiona Gubelmann , Zack Ward , David de Lautour , Leif Gantvoort , Emelie O'Hara , Samantha Jacober , Curtiss Frisle , Boots Southerland , Nathan Lorbietzki

Running time: 92 min

Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.

Sex & Nudity: Brief sex scene, kissing

Violence & Gore: Man is shot in the shoulder
man is drag across the floor bloody is seen trailing on the floor behind him.
Man shots him self off screen body is seen with blood everywhere

Profanity: lot F word & sexual references through out the film

Alcohol/Drugs/SmokingAlcohol is seen being drunk

Frightening/Intense Scenes: this is pretty much in-tension & psychological concept through out the film, some scene may get disturbing for some viewers

Story: Ten people arrive at a secluded mountain resort to find it completely deserted. With no gas for the return trip, the visitors are forced to stay and investigate the mystery surrounding the abandoned lodge but find something is off about the area thing' start to get very dark for this group as strange things start to happen.

Likes : Every now & then you can find a low budget horror film that is well made & extremely creepy ive got to hand it to director & writer Travis Oates of this film he knows how to make a simple low budget film psychologically creepy.
 "Don't Blink" directed by Travis Oats debut as a director, the film is pretty impressive enough to give even me chill's that is rare for me watch horror as ive haven't really found a creepy film like this for ages, this was a film that was recommend for me to watch im pretty glad i did.
 It's strong story really creates this dark unease atmosphere with a serious subject matter, straight forward dialogue and disturbing climactic scenes that just continue the story right up until the end-an end without finality! which is Something that makes this movie feel more authentic as a horror film to really play on your mind.
The story deals with something like a paranormal or supernatural uncertainty that creates this unnatural creepy atmosphere mostly from the start to the end. Yes the start is actually a concerted, cheese feast intro where you get to most of the lend character introduce them selves in the film so it start off like most other teenage or group horror film's.
In all seriousness  it actually sets the tone and gives us our characters back story without taking up a lot of dialogue in the main story.
The acting in "Don't Blink" is perfect, most of the cast give strong performances bringing cliché characters together in one disturbing experience as the film progress along. At times it does feel a bit too polished and insincere at times, but that is just because such attention has been paid to piecing this film together as perfect as possible to bring a believe & pretty much frightening film in a psychological way.
This is a film i can recommend to all psychological & paranormal horror fan as this offers a pretty dark creepy psychological concept that get completely under your skin & give you the chill's depend on the person you are, but this is worth watching.

Dislikes : The only problem with this film, is its not really explained or show why thing are happening to the group the ending is kind of left open given you unanswered question on what the hell is going on & why is this happen other than what your seeing in the film.

Overall : "Don't Blink" is a great horror story that warrants attention from horror fans. I think both psychological horror and paranormal horror fans will be very pleased with this one.

Rating: 4.8 out of 5 for entertainment / 8 out of 10 for psychological concept

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