Monday 13 July 2015

Film Review: Final Girl

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller

Cert: 15 cert

Director:  Tyler Shields 

Screen writer: Adam Prince (screenplay) , Stephen Scarlata  (story) , Alejandro Seri (story) , Johnny Silver (story)  

Starring: Abigail Breslin , Wes Bentley , Logan Huffman , Alexander Ludwig , Cameron Bright , Reece Thompson , Emma Paetz , Gracyn Shinyei , Desiree Zurowski , Francesca Eastwood , Brett London 

Running time: 90 min 

Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.

Sex & Nudity: girl in a sexy red dress

Violence & Gore: Most scene are showing pretty violent sexual behaviour with age rating of 15+

Profanity:  Mild to strong language through out

Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Drugs are mention in the film & seen being taken

Frightening/Intense Scenes: The girl in the woods & some of the other scenes can be trippy & pretty intense.

Story: A psychological thriller about a beautiful teen girl new to town who is lured out to the woods by a group of senior boys to be the victim in their final initiation. Taught by her trainer, William, to be a lethal weapon, she turns the hunters into the hunted with a level of perversity far beyond anything they could have ever imagined.

Likes : I kind of went in to this film with an open mind, because the trailer kind of sold this film as being pretty good, which it is actually pretty good although i do feel as if there should of been more in this film really.
The film it self has this spit on your grave meets skulls if any one has actual seen that film you know what i mean, its a bunch of rich boys look for something to entertain himself but in a sick twisted way only this time they pick on the wrong person type of film.
The film dose how ever feel more like a short film than a feature length film as it dose come across a little short but dose a great job at keep this twist dark concept as you see these character get driven in to a mind scape that mess's with their reality, which give this film a bit more of an edge ; which i find the rating for the film a little underrated as it's not that bad to be honest but could of done better in place, still borderlining on entertaining which is alway good for a film.
Final Girl is basically putting the Hit-Girl trope to the slasher genre, which can be a pretty cool concept if done right. The film's style is a fancy old-school mystery film, highlighting shadows and silhouettes through creaking walls, cafeterias and streets.
Visually appealing stuff, rather enjoyed for being effectively overly campy for its low budget. The movie sets up a little girl training to beat up dangerous men, but it instead lead us to a number of strange events, which results to such polarizing schlock which the beautiful Abigail Breslin dose brilliantly in coming across as this butter in my mouth wouldn't melt type of girl with this sweet innocent nature like she dosent know what going on to this psychopathic girl out for revenge on these guys for what they have done.
I will admit there are time i this film it felt a little creepy special some of the end scenes, but all in all this was that bad of a film, just underrated slightly.

Dislikes : I felt this film could of had more concept at the begin with the boys doing what they are doing this felt to short as there wasn't really any build up to Abigail Breslin character coming alone, this felt more like an episode of the twilight zone than a film because it was kind of over before it started which is sadly why this hasn't got great ratings.

Overall : Good film but a little short, Abigail Breslin in awesome in this film which is ashame it couldn't be better.

Rating: 4.3 out of 5 for entertainment / 6.6 out of 10 for concept.

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