Thursday 14 August 2014

Film Review: Locke

Genre:  Drama

Cert: 12A

Director: Steven Knight

Screen writerSteven Knight (screenplay)

Starring: Tom Hardy, Olivia Colman ,  Ruth Wilson, Andrew Scott ,Ben Daniels , Tom Holland ,  Bill Milner , Danny Webb , Alice Lowe , Silas Carson , Lee Ross , Kirsty Dillon 

Running time: 85 min

Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.

Sex & Nudity: A huge plot point in the film is that the lead engaged in sex with a woman outside his marriage and had gotten her pregnant

Violence & Gore: None. 

Profanity:  About 107 F-words, 2 C-words, many other scatological and anatomical terms.

Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: A character is accused of being drunk on the phone but we don't see him

Frightening/Intense Scenes: The phone conversations slowly increases tension to a high level.

Story: Ivan Locke, a dedicated family man and successful construction manager, receives a phone call on the eve of the biggest challenge of his career that sets in motion a series of events that threaten his careful cultivated existence.

Likes : First of all im a big fan of Tom Hardy film, he made some great film's, made as success with the character bane in dark knight rises, but as well all know stars in their carriers have their ups & down & have at least one bad film under their belt,sadly this film was one of them.
Tom Hardy performance is outstanding in this film don't get me wrong, even put on the voice was brilliant but the story & concept of this film was just a big let down for a Tom Hardy film for several reason the filming is great, the pace of the film is a little slow but can i say this was a good film no.

Dislikes : Where do i start..... the entire film is based around a man driving in a car speaking to a bunch of people on the way to a hospital some where to make a wrong right where on gods earth is this entertaining even i could get in a car & do a movie like this with my hands tied behind my back, the pace of the film makes you want fall asleep because its to slow for the concept nothing is happening apart from seeing him lost his own personal life over a phone in the car. Fair play for Tom Hardy doing this film but sorry this was a very painful film to watch, i was looking at the time waiting for the end, this is a film i would avoid it something i really cant recommend, but its down to the viewer if they like this personally i say avoid but that your choice.

Overall : Slow, boring, pain UN-entertaining, worst film for Tom Hardy to do

Rating: 3.2 out of 5 for entertainment / 4.2 out of 10 for story / concept

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