Cert: 18 cert
Story: In this graphic and violent, post-apocalyptic thriller, nine strangers-all tenants of a New York high rise apartment-escape a nuclear attack by hiding out in the building's bunker-like basement. Trapped for days underground with no hope for rescue, and only unspeakable horrors awaiting them on the other side of the bunker door, the group begins to descend into madness, each turning on one another with physical and psycho-sexual torment. As supplies dwindle, and tensions flare, and they grow increasingly unhinged by their close quarters and hopelessness, each act against one another becomes more depraved than the next. While everyone in the bunker allows themselves to be overcome by desperation and lose their humanity, one survivor holds onto a thin chance for escape even with no promise of salvation on the outside.
Likes : not a bad film, to be honest a little screwed up, this film was basically base on 7 people trapped trying to survive a nuclear apocalypse that no one no why or who started it, it start off normal at first just seven people down in a bunker trying to survive until they start showing sign of psychotic behaviour being close in a small boomb shelter together,this where it starts getting twisted.The build jantior Mickey played by Michael Biehn is holding alot of food from the group things start getting out of control as Josh played by Milo Ventimiglia (star of heroes tv series) & Bobby played by Michael Eklund start showing sign of psychotic behaviour & start to loss it big time.the rest of the group before this happen a group of heavly armed men burst through the door of the bunker & take the little girl Wendi played by Abbey Thickson who plays the daughter of Marilyn played by Rosanna Arquette away but this was just the start of the problem,marilyn start to break down after her little girl was taken but she runs to the arms of bobby who after a while start to abuse her in a psycho-sexual torment,these scene will desturb some people watching this special on what happens through the film as one by one they all start lossing there minds,the only one that seem to keep her head is Eva played by Lauren German who seem to be very strong willed in the situtaion there all in.i find this film very dark ,moody & voilent.
Dislikes : the only thing wrong is the fact you dont know whos lunched the nuclear weapons or who start it & the psycho-sexual torment that happen to marilyn rosanna argutte character that was serious evil & to much for me
Overall : A Very dark & moody film about survival,beware that some scene mite offend you because its realy dose get a bite to dark at time.
Rating: 4 out of 5 star for entertainment,7 out of 10 for post-apocalyptic thriller

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