Cert: 18 cert
Story: The future America is an irradiated waste land. On its East Coast, running from Boston to Washington DC, lies Mega City One- a vast, violent metropolis where criminals rule the chaotic streets. The only force of order lies with the urban cops called "Judges" who possess the combined powers of judge, jury and instant executioner. Known and feared throughout the city, Dredd (Karl Urban) is the ultimate Judge, challenged with ridding the city of its latest scourge - a dangerous drug epidemic that has users of "Slo-Mo" experiencing reality at a fraction of its normal speed
Likes : If you want action & all out blood thirsty violence's this is the film to watch, this is what judge dredds character so needed to be like, the way this film is filmed shows a real cold reality of this type of world. From the get go this film hit the violence off the scale, from car Chase's to an all out war trapped in a mega block, when the only way out is to fight your way out.With its stunning special effect, gun fire & explosion this film really dose deliver. Karl Urban is awesome as dredd, at first i didn't think he would pull off the character but he delivered a good performance,he brought this cold dark don't give a sh*t attitude to the dredd like he was still angry about something but controlled in his mind about something that happened in he's past, i loved this portrayal of this character in this way it brought a new edge to the dredd,where we've only seen a tame dredd seen in the original film which was good but this one is better. The beautiful Olivia Thirlby plays the rookie judge with a physic ability due to the radiation, her performance in this film was brilliant, she had some funny scene special the lift scene that made me laugh, but it was her ability to read minds that brought a good partner to dredd & on screen chemistry was very good.Lena Headey plays the drug lord dealer in peaches tree tower block, she played this ex pro that took over the gangs & street with violent intent & if any one crossed her or dealing on her tuff the consequences were bad for them. She was seriously evil playing this role, special not giving a dam about the people living in the block when she went after the judge with evil intent.Warrick Grier plays Caleb ma ma right hand man,but what dredd did to him was funny but cold, but it did show ma ma that he wasn't messing around & that he was coming for her full force. Cameo role's : Rakie Ayola plays Chief Judge, Daniel Hadebe plays Judge at Entrance, Francis Chouler plays Judge at Entrance, Langley Kirkwood plays Judge Lex, Edwin Perry plays Judge Alvarez, Karl Thaning plays Judge Chan, Michele Levin plays Judge Kaplan.Allen Irwin plays Slo Mo Den Leader (uncredited), Brandon Livanos plays Member of the coyote clan (uncredited.the way I find this film is the way judge dredd should of been filmed in the first place a dark gritty world of violence where the judges are struggle to keep law & order in a lawless world the concept of this film really felt like it was real & not like a Hollywood film,this is what dredd needed a violent,cold darker storyline which brought out the character of dredd & the reason why criminals fear dredd more than any other judge on the streets of mega city.
Dislike: nothing wrong with this film complete well made
Overall : action, extreme violence ,blood thirsty battles, dark storyline, a well worth watching film, Karl urban is awesome as dredd.
Rating: 5 out of 5 for entertainment, 10 out of 10 for extreme violence/action/performance's by all.

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