Saturday 27 December 2014

Film Review: Interview

Genre:   Action | Comedy

Cert: 15 cert

DirectorEvan Goldberg, Seth Rogen

Screen writer: Dan Sterling   ... (screenplay) Seth Rogen   ... (story) & Evan Goldberg   ... (story) & Dan Sterling   ... (story)

Starring: James Franco , Seth Rogen , Lizzy Caplan , Randall Park , Diana Bang , Timothy Simons , Reese Alexander , James Yi , Paul Bae , Geoff Gustafson , Dominique Lalonde , Anesha Bailey ,Anders Holm ,  Charles Rahi Chun , Don Chow

Running time: 112 min

Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.

Sex & NudityLots of crude sexual references. Some of them include references to bestiality, the shape of female reproductive organs, the scent of a man's penis, ejaculation on a man's face, porn, and having sexual intercourse. Many of these include profane and crass language as well.

In two different scenes erections are shown bulging through underwear (although, there isn't nudity).

Aaron conceals a phallic-shaped metal object by shoving it in his rectum (off-screen).

In one scene Kim's girls are shown dancing in lingerie, and some are topless. However, the topless nudity is very brief and is seen for no more than a few frames. For literally 2 seconds.

There is a make out scene in bed in which two characters strip to their underwear (played for comedy).

Aaron has sex with Sook in a brief scene, where they thrust and moan comically (no nudity, played for comedy).

Violence & Gore: A body guard eats the poison thinking it's gum. He is later shown vomiting and seizing before, ultimately, dying.

Two men get their fingers bitten off in a scuffle and blood sprays graphically.

A tiger is killed by falling projectile. This isn't very graphic, but some blood is shown.

Two men are shot in the head with graphic and gory results. In one case, blood and brain matter sprays in the faces of those watching (including young children). In the other case, blood realistically sprays and splatters on the wall and nearby objects.

Solider run over by tank, blood squirts graphically from head.

The ending of the film has a prolonged shootout sequence, in which many people are violently killed.

A man is killed when a rocket is fired at his helicopter and it explodes in slow motion. The man's clothes can be seen flaking away into ash along with his face and hair. Eventually his head is engulfed in flames and explodes, however the blood and brain matter is only partially visible and is mostly obscured by the fire.

Note that the over-the-top bloody violence in this film is intended for shock comedy.

Profanity:  Explicit language is used throughout, specifically "fuck", which is said 100+ times, and in some cases is paired with "mother". There is also 3 comedic uses of the word "cunt" and few uses of "cucksucker".

Milder language includes "butthole", "vagina", "chub" (erection euphemism), "taint", "anus", "jerk-off", "douche", "ass", "damn", "whore", "bitch", "dick", "shit", and "pussy".

Blasphemy throughout includes "goddamn", "God", and "Jesus" used as exclamations. In some cases, the blasphemies are paired with profanity (example: "Jesus, fuck!")

Crude sexual references throughout.

Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Tobacco use is ubiquitous -- normal for anyplace in Asia.

Both ecstasy and cocaine use are depicted (not graphically) and discussed.

Alcohol is consumed at various times, and margaritas are referred to many times throughout the movie.

The deadly poison ricin is also mentioned a couple of times, and its effects are described and demonstrated.

Frightening/Intense Scenes:  An army officer is shot in the head, and the graphic results may shock and disturb some viewers.
The fight scenes including scuffles, gunfire, and extreme bloodshed may be too intense for children.
A scene, mentioned in the above 'Violence and Gore' section, describes the very graphic army tank rolling over and crushing a soldier's head.
When , this may offend some viewers considering he is a still-sitting dictator of a country. Although it is good to keep in mind that this just a typical Seth Rogen comedy that happens to feature some political commentary.

Story:In the action-comedy The Interview, Dave Skylark (James Franco) and his producer Aaron Rapoport (Seth Rogen) run the popular celebrity tabloid TV show "Skylark Tonight." When they discover that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is a fan of the show, they land an interview with him in an attempt to legitimize themselves as journalists. As Dave and Aaron prepare to travel to Pyongyang, their plans change when the CIA recruits them, perhaps the two least-qualified men imaginable, to assassinate Kim Jong-un.

Likes : I'm have to be honest brutal about this film give an honest review instead of following other people, i can see why this film has had so much political maelstrom from north Korea because the film dosent make him Kim Jong-un look stupid, but lets be-honest here this is a typical hollywood over-rated comedy film that dosent deserve 8.1 rating sorry but that's my honest opinion dont get me wrong love comedy's when they work but this sorry just wasn't funny.

Dislikes :Typical mass produced film, lowbrow, comedy that Hollywood cranks out to appeal to 15-year-old boys & girls that is ridiculously over the top predictable jokes. There are a few slapstick laughs in the tradition of the Three Stooges that break the monotony where everything they do just goes wrong. All the humour, both physical and verbal, is completely obvious. It will not go down in history as one of the great comedies, which is probably what upset Kim Jung Un the most which personally i think this whole controversy is blown out of control.
Seth Rogen at time can be funny in curtain role but this sorry was just watchable & wasn't funny apart from one scene that all that was funny, i seriously cant take James Franco as being funny when he try to act funny it feels forced at time i feel he dosent have the natural skill as a comedian, could i say the film is funny sadly no, there is one scene i did laugh at but the rest of this film is terrible al the hype was for nothing really, people have their own opinions but his is my honest opinion on this film its over rated & just barely watchable.

Overall : over rated comedy with one funny moment, over the top slap stick humour that would appeal to the under 15's.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 for entertainment / 5.7 out of 10 for story / comedy

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