Sunday 16 February 2014

Film Review: The Core

Genre: Action  Adventure  Sci-Fi

Cert: 12A

Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.

Sex & Nudity: none

Violence & Gore: At the beginning of the film, some people die for an unknown reason.
A lightning storm devastates Rome, historical buildings including the Colosseum are crumbled into pieces . After that, we see in an aerial view that the city was badly damaged and there are fires all over the city.
The ray of sunlight lands on San Francisco, destroying the ozone layer and the middle part of the Golden Gate Bridge was destroyed. We see lots of cars explode.
A person is trapped in compartment that's closing in on him. It's implied that he is crushed to death.
A rock pierces a man's helmet and blood is seen trickling down his forehead and falls in magma 

Profanity: The F-word is used once.

Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Dr. Zimsky smokes cigarettes frequently throughout the beginning of the movie

Frightening/Intense Scenes: A person is trapped in compartment that's closing in on him. It's implied that he is crushed to death maybe be a little disturbing to some viewers. 

Story: The Earth's core has stopped spinning. Disasters are appearing all over the world: Birds acting crazy, powerful thunderstorms, 32 people die within seconds of each other when their pacemakers quit working. Dr. Josh Keyes and his crew of five (total members: 6) go down to the center of the Earth to set off a nuclear device to make the Earth's core start spinning again or Mankind will perish.

Likes : This is a film that is has got some unfair reviews because this film despite the reputation it got is a dam good film, that give real facts on how the earth work's, if this happen like a event like this, this would happen to our earth minus the drilling through the earth to save it.
When i saw this film i though it was going to be another cheesy disaster film, but it was far from it, it start off pretty well with all sort of things going on then you see people drop dead this is what set the mood for the rest of the film as you start to see that the world is in deep trouble.
Along with it C.G.I special which on the budget this film had wasn't to bad, as most of the filming was film inside the drilling ship as they travel to the core,along with some great acting this film was brilliantly done for a Sc-Fi/Disaster film. Like any disaster film there has to be few death's to keep the emotion & concept of risk that the mission might fail which i think its cleverly placed through out the film, i think it worked for the film.
while they had a bit of a hook up between Aaron Eckhart and Hilary Swank it was very subtle and didn't happen till the end of the movie. Overall brilliant casting with Eckhart, Swank, Stanley Tucci, Delroy Lindo, Richard Jenkins, DJ Qualls and Bruce Greenwood bringing a unique adventure traveling deep into the earth core.I really don't understand why so many people think this film is bad, i think most of it is jump on the bandwagon because everyone else is pulling it down instead of making their own mind up.
For the budget this film had,you couldn't get a better film than this because the scientific side of his film is spot on to true facts about the earth, ya drilling to the center of the earth to restart it is a bit far fetched but it just a movie & this is what sc-fi is for to stretch the imagination.
If you haven't watched this film yet i can say that you should believe in the comment about this film because this is a well made film from director Jon Amiel, this is the film for me that got me in to 30 second to mars who done the brilliant sound track at the end.

Dislikes : This is a little short but still good film

Overall : Great disaster film, good acting, good special effect.

Rating: 5 out of 5 for entertainment / 8.1 out of 10 for story-line/Real fact about the earth.

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