Tuesday 18 February 2014

Film Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie

Genre:  Action  Adventure  Comedy

Cert: 12A

Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.

Sex & Nudity: April kisses Casey

Violence & Gore:The kind of violence you would expect from a martial arts movie.
The shredder is very intimidating. Could frighten younger audiences
The end fight is intense and may upset younger viewers
The shredder's death could upset some people, the shredder falls off a building, falls into a garbage compacter, Casey pushes the compact button, the shredder gets crushed (not graphic but unsettling)
The fight in April's apartment is very intense. A fire starts in the apartment.
Splinter is captured by the foot
Splinter is hanged by his arms
The shredder punches splinter in the face multiple times (splinter gets some scars. Very upsetting)
Splinters owner is killed 

ProfanityDamn-9/Hell-2/God-7/Ass-1/Spaz-3 ...and the word "bitchin'" is used at the very end to describe someone who just got beat up.
There is a scene where Donnie and Casey insult each other, played for laughs (not offensive)
The word "Spaz" is used 3 times, which could be offensive to some audiences 

Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: the Foot Clan has an underground base where underage kids smoke cigarettes, cigars and drinking
A kid asks a guy "do you have any cigarettes?"

Frightening/Intense Scenes: The end battle is very intense
All the fight scenes can be very intense to some viewers
The word "spaz" is used a couple of times, may offend some people
The story of splinters past is very upsetting
A fire starts in an apartment
The shredder's death is unsettling
Splinter takes some abuse from the shredder, may upset viewers
the Shredder may be intimidating for smaller children 

Story: Through contact with a mysterious substance, called Ooze, 4 little turtles in the canalization of New York mutate to giant turtles. They can speak, walk upright and love pizza. The wise rat Splinter becomes their mentor and educates them to Ninja fighters. Their arch-enemy is the bad, bad guy Shredder, who struggles to gain power over the world. Of course the ninja turtles will do everything to stop him.

Likes : You might say it has no story line but I say it's kept simplistic for all the comic book fans. You don't want to confuse people with a massive complex tale. No one argues with 'Enter the Dragon' having a bad story line. This film, released at the height of "Turtlemania" in the summer of 1990, raked in $133 million at the box office, quickly making it the highest grossing independent film of all time. That's good considering it also faced heavy competition from another comic book adaptation that year, "Dick Tracy," which was directed by Warren Beatty and was quite groundbreaking, on its own terms of course.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie" is the best adaptation of the comics so far, and I loved it. It is one of the best comic-to-film adaptations of all time and should be preserved. "TMNT" forever!
This is one of those film that is still a classic retro film even after 24 years, the slap stick comedy & the one liners make this a high entertaining film to watch.Don't listen to people who tell you that this movie is not really kid friendly. It deals with issues that all kids need to learn about, namely how joining a gang is not the answer because, despite the allure, that is not the kind of family that really looks after each other. Shredder's gang represents a choice that many kids have to make; whether to go with the crowd who are doing wrong, or to stand up for what is right and what they believe in.
All the turtles (Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael) are great, portrayed mostly accurately. They all act like typical family members who have their arguments and fun times together and their master Splinter makes for a great father and wise mentor. This all brings a great deal of realism as does the grim situations and occasional swearing. April, Casey Jones, Tatsu, and a few other characters deliver great, if not somewhat over-the-top, performances but that what make this film great.If you grow up before the 90s you would of grow up on this film & loved it, not alot of people like this film that grow up after the 90s, but for me this is one of the all time greatest classic films that you jut cant go wrong with.
As for the remake i know alot of fans of the original don't like the idea of the original being remade but im willing to give it a chance hopefully it will be a worth remake, but as for this original film this is totally worth having your dvd collection,the sequel is pretty good as well just a shame they ruin the third film but changing the look of the turtles, but the original film i recommend f you have never watched this film.

Dislikes : Didn't like what they did with the third film, other than that this film is spot on amazing.

Overall : Great performances, brilliant adaptation of the comics, perfect retro film.

Rating: 5 out of 5 for entertainment / 8.7 out of 10 for Comic book action/ slap stick comedy

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