Saturday 10 May 2014

Film Review: Afflicted

Genre: Horror Thriller Warning this film does have some graphic bloody scene

Cert: 15 cert, but this should of been a (R-rated) film 18 cert

Director: Derek Lee, Clif Prowse

Screen writer: Derek Lee, Clif Prowse

Starring: Derek Lee, Clif Prowse, Michael Gill, Jason Lee, Gary Redekop, Lily Py ,Lee Zach ,Gray Edo ,Van Breemen, Ellen Ferguson, Benjamin Zeitoun ,Baya Rehaz ,Chiara Caggiati,  Domenico Di Michele ,Susie Barrow ,Lise Bertram

Running time: 85 min

Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.

Sex & Nudity: Man is half naked in the bed.

Violence & Gore: Violence through out this film is very R-rated due to bloody scene's.

Profanity:  Strong language through out

Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: drink is seen in a bar/club

Frightening/Intense Scenes: When character start to chance & a few other scene maybe disturbing for some viewers.

Story:Best friends Derek and Clif set out on a trip of lifetime. Their plan: travel to the ends of the earth, see the world, and live life to the fullest. But the trip soon takes a dark and bloody turn. Just days in, one of the men shows signs of a mysterious affliction which gradually takes over his entire body and being. Now, thousands of miles from home, in a foreign land, they must race to uncover the source before it consumes him completely. Footage meant to be travel memories may now become evidence of one of the most shocking discoveries ever captured on film...and perhaps will be their only postcard home.

Likes : This is another found footage film of two friend who go on a trip around the world because he friend is dieing but end up in a dangerous situation, The first half of the film is pretty boaring as your just see these people have funny until the second have of the film when things start happening it gets out of control.
Some of the effects were pretty good & acting was ok, but this film got a few flaws in it which kind of lets the film down slightly but its not so much as to say its a train wreck.
It trying to copy chronicles in a way with a have some power, that suddenly comes from nowhere, you see the character develop over time & start to change, but this film doesn't really explain curtain thing's other than he has the Affliction.I would say if you a fan of found footage film this might be an ok film for you other wise i would avoid this film.

Dislikes : There is no explanation as to why he got these powers other than through some incident which isn't every explained, you can handle see what is going on half the time because the camera work filming is to shaky it makes things hard to see what is going on, despite what the poster say this is not scary at all.

Overall : An ok found footage film, out great, god effect but shame about the camera work.pretty weak subplot story-line

Rating: 2.4 out of 5 for entertainment / 5.2 out of 10 for story-line.

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