Saturday 24 May 2014

Film Review: X-men Days of Future Past

Genre: Action Adventure Fantasy

Cert: 12A

Director: Bryan Singer

Screen writer: Simon Kinberg , Jane Goldman , Simon Kinberg , Matthew Vaughn

Starring: Hugh Jackman , James McAvoy , Michael Fassbender , Jennifer Lawrence , Halle Berry ,Nicholas Hoult ,Anna Paquin ,Ellen Page ,Peter Dinklage ,Shawn Ashmore ,Omar Sy ,Evan Peters ,Josh Helman ,Daniel Cudmore ,Bingbing Fan 

Running time: 131 min

Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.

Sex & Nudity: When Logan awakes in his younger body in 1973 he's in bed with a woman clad only in bra and panties. And he is totally naked; we see him from the rear as he rises and walks to pick up his pants.
The blue shape-shifting Mystique (aka Raven) is near-naked when in her natural form. Through athletically flexible flipping and tumbling battles, the camera closely observes her full-figured movements. Though her most private parts are hidden, the actress's latex and body paint makeup provides little actual coverage. The flesh-colored Raven wears a midriff-baring shirt.

Violence & Gore: In the future we see evidence of the great battles that have brought civilization to its knees. Skyscrapers are crumbling, rubble is strewn everywhere and corpses tumble out of a container into a burial pit.
We witness the devastating power of the Sentinels as they viciously attack mutant prey. Bodies are impaled by the robots' arm-like appendages, burned, blasted and otherwise killed. The metallic Colossus is torn in two and tossed aside. The Iceman has his frozen head brutally ripped off his body and crushed beneath a robot's foot. The power-absorbing Bishop is blasted from three sides until he eventually blows up.
Pictures reveal mutants who have been tortured, operated on and sewn back together in Mengele-like experiments conducted by a scientist named Dr. Trask. Later, Trask is killed, execution style, with a bullet to the forehead. Wolverine has his chest riddled with bullets (leaving holes that then seal back up). In turn, he impales his attackers with bone (pre-adamantium Wolverine) claws. He also hammers several human guards with a frying pan. Mystique subdues a guy by pinning him to the wall with her foot to his throat. Indeed, through a variety of mutant-vs.-human fights, men are battered about with everything from hard-knuckled fists to floating metal balls, bones breaking and faces getting pounded.
There are also mutant-on-mutant melees. The blue beast known as Hank tosses Wolverine around in one scene, and pummels and tries to drown Magneto in another. Magneto rips a large quantity of rebar out of a crumbled building and jams the metal bars in and through Wolverine. The magnetized mutant also levitates a needle to sew up a cut on the back of his own head.
Mystique is shot in the leg. (We see the bleeding wound up close.) She jumps out a high window and tries to hobble away, but Magneto drags her back to him by attracting that metal bullet in her calf until it pops back out of the puncture. Magneto is shot in the neck by a non-metal bullet, leaving a bloody wound behind.

Profanity: One f-word. A half-dozen s-words. A small handful each of "Hell," "Damn" and "Asshole." God's name is combined with "Damn" once. Somebody uses "bloody" as an expletive.

Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: When we first see Professor X's younger self, he's quite depressed about his lot in life and drinking heavily; he appears drunk in one scene. Erik joins him for a glass of booze while they play chess. A party full of military officials features lots of alcohol and inebriated behavior.
Professor X also injects himself with a drug developed by Dr. Hank McCoy that gives him the use of his legs while simultaneously removing his mutant abilities. Hank reports that Xavier has been overusing the drug, and it appears that he's addicted to the stuff.
Logan lights up a cigar on a couple of occasions.

Frightening/Intense Scenes:  The darkest X-Men Movie yet.
Scenes may frighten young children, especially the Sentinels

Story: The ultimate X-Men ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods in X-Men: Days of Future Past. The characters from the original X-Men film trilogy join forces with their younger selves from X-Men: First Class in an epic battle that must change the past - to save our future.

Likes : Sorry if this review sound bad for the film i know there is alot of fans of the x-men everyone is saying this film was brilliant or fantastic, but i have to review this film on a observation this film dose have flaws despite being some what entertaining.
Some aspects of this film was were good like the future story being told as to what happen, the effect were pretty good, it was good seeing some new mutants in this film, as well as some old favorite characters.The action at the being as fast flowing that was thanks to the character blink with the portal powers not to mention is was pretty hot for a mutant.The whole future setting was probable the only best part of this film as you got see colossus & ice man use he power more, i didn't think much of war path because he powers don't seem to be much other than the fact he can sense danger coming.
Quicksilver character was pretty funny & well filmed, the effect were pretty amazing done to show him moving at speed but you can help but think his character is a rip off of the flash,(Huge jackman) is brilliant as always as wolverine but he just didn't seem the same without the metal claw.
 There were some nice little nods to most of the other X-Men films and it was good to see all the tie-ins. Also the very few humorous parts, one which comes to mind is when Wolverine walks through the metal detector and it doesn't beep. He looks back in confusion, expecting it to go off. These were great but were far to few The actors. It was great to such an ensemble on screen and I'd even go as far as saying the young Charles (James McAvoy) stole the show, with the young Magneto (Michael Fassbender) a close second.
The end of the credit scene was interesting to see, from what ive learn this guy building the pyramid might be Apocalypse as these x-men film's are lending to a big boss type film, but this is a film that was far from perfect.

Dislikes : How many times do we need to hear 'We need to stop Mystique or it's the end of all mutants!?' in some form or another in these film. Seeing visually in the past with the older X-Men getting killed off we didn't really need to keep telling the audience that this was going to happen as we already know from the start of the film, two mutants were left unclear on who they were which is bad character development i think we should have been shown who they are instead of just seeing there powers. This got old really quickly and unfortunately these flaws as well as the lack of action & painfully slow pace, i came out of the cinema disappointed.
 Hollywood seems to think scripts don't matter nearly as much anymore by thinking it can be covered up by Awesome special effects, This is not the case at all, a film need more than just special effect & good acting it need a good paced story-line as well, i hope in the future of this franchise writers are allowed to be more creative instead of getting creativity and risk taking shut down by the suits sitting in their offices.
I've had to watch this twice just to give it a fair review just in case the first view didn't give me a feeling of a good film, but sorry ive got to say Bryan singer need to pass the franchise to someone that can bring a fresh story like the x-men first class film because this one has Bryan singers mark all over it, lacking in imagination & feels like X-men 3 all over again.

Overall : Great special effect, great acting, not so much action, but most of your favorite character return.

Rating: 4.1 out of 5 for entertainment / 6 out of 10 for story-line

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