Cert: 18 cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: The characters think and talk about sex a lot.There's strong innuendo, lots of skimpy clothing, and characters intentionally walking and dancing in "sexy" ways.A woman bends over and reveals a suggestive tattoo on her lower back.A man takes a picture of his genitals with a friend's phone (as a practical joke), and viewers see the photo.Male buttocks are briefly shown during the rape sequences.
Violence & Gore: Brutal rape scenes in which a band of escaped convicts rapes two women.There's lots of blood, people on fire, and people impaled by random objects.If characters aren't crushed, mutilated, or killed in the earthquake or aftershocks, they're shot/murdered by the convicts or by other panicky people.
A man loses his hand.A woman gets her face smashed by a car while climbing out of a manhole.
There's a funicular crash in which women and children die.Brief fighting and punching.
Profanity: Language isn't constant but does contain several uses of fuck as well as shit and hell.
Some swear words appear in subtitles (spoken in Spanish), and others are spoken in English.
Name calling (bitch and cock.)
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Characters spend the movie's first third partying in clubs; they occasionally overindulge with drinks, but it's mostly social drinking.Some characters are seen smoking.A woman is supposed to be looking after her sister, preventing her from drinking, but the sister gets drunk anyway.The characters also attend a wine tasting
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Lots of gratuitous gore.Severed hands.People getting impaled with random objects.People on fire and/or being crushed.Truly brutal rape scenes Lots of gratuitous gore.Severed hands.People getting impaled with random objects.People on fire and/or being crushed.Truly brutal rape scenes
Story: After an earthquake erupts in Chile, tourist discover that a neighboring prison in the area collapsed in the event, and all surviving criminals managed to break free. Soon they learn that the most terrifying thing, more threatening that Mother Nature, is what she created.
Likes : OK right of the bat this film is slow to start,you get a few club scenes,group partying hard a group of friend all enjoy them self.Then the earthquake begins thing start to get messy & brutal,i have to a mite it was good in places, i didn't like the brutal rape scene's that was evil, See the film is described as a horror thriller but it more of a disaster thriller than a horror to be honest.There's no manger stars in this film, well not known ones any way as its not a Hollywood film, hanse the reason why it a DVD realise not cinema, it was ok not the best film, Ive seen worst, but very brutal.There is no shortness of blood in this film so if you do watch it be prepared for a lot of that as there is a lot of scene of people being crushed, limps being impaled & people get shot, be warned also as i said there is a few brutal rape scene which involves the girls with the friends which are pretty nasty scene, i would say this film is pretty much a average film as Ive seen lot of these type of films before.
Dislikes : The one little thing about this film is the fact it was to slow to start with at the beginning, thing didn't start to happen until almost an hour in to the film which makes this type a film a failure in that part, the other fact is that it was so predictable, even the ending was predictable because i saw it coming because of the nature of the way the film was going.
Overall : An average film,nothing special,good effect,lot of blood & brutal scene altho predictable
Rating: 3.1 out of 5 for entertainment / 3.7 out of 10 for horror/disaster/thriller theme.

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