NOTE: This is only the first part of the hobbit, there is 3 parts of this storyline, 2nd part The Desolation of Smaug (the last great dragon of morgoth) will be in (2013) & the 3rd part There and Back Again (2014).
Story: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey follows title character Bilbo Baggins, who is swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor, which was long ago conquered by the dragon Smaug. Approached out of the blue by the wizard Gandalf the Grey, Bilbo finds himself joining a company of thirteen dwarves led by the legendary warrior Thorin Oakenshield. Although their goal lies to the East and the wastelands of the Lonely Mountain, first they must escape the goblin tunnels, where Bilbo meets the creature that will change his life forever... Gollum. Here, alone with Gollum, on the shores of an underground lake, the unassuming Bilbo Baggins not only discovers depths ofguile and courage that surprise even him, he also gains possession of Gollum's "precious" ...a simple, gold ring that is tied to the fate of all Middle-earth in ways Bilbo cannot begin to know
Likes : Peter jackson has once again brought an outstanding lord of the rings film the hobbit,i completely love this film for several reason one of which the storyline it set the tone for the trilogy from the very begining to the lord of the ring fellowship of the ring,its a dark story between the defeat of saron to the rise of the evill once again rising to reclaim its power of the land in the fellowship of the ring.It is mentioned that there is a high darkness involed other then the smaug the last great dragon which is revieled in this film & shows a back ground story to the witch king of agmar which we all know from the other three films. The other thing i love about these films is the visual effect & concept of the film its self,it has to be one of the biggest fantasy film ever with an awesome storyline of magic, struggle, heart ache, strenght & courge against an overwhelming force of pure evil.The begining of this film was well made showing part of the fellowship of the ring before the jounrey to destory the ring as bilbo set the story of he's past.(Cameos) Ian Holm returns as Old Bilbo who set the storyline to he's past & Elijah Wood as Frodo for a brief scene at the start.Ian McKellen return to he's role as Gandalf who show a bit more of he's powers in the film which i like because he didnt real show much in the other films,Martin Freeman plays the younger Bilbo which i like the way theyve kept he's personality from the fellowship of the ring dosent like having vistors but love a good adventure,it will be good to see in the other 2 films how this character will devolop, Richard Armitage plays thorin, Thorin Oakenshield is a Dwarf, an exiled king descended from ancient kings, whose people have been scattered across Middle-earth. His ancestors' greatest kingdoms were in Moria and under the Lonely Mountain, Erebor. Thorin leads an expedition of 13 dwarves and the hobbit Bilbo Baggins, with the aim of reclaiming the Lonely Mountain from the dragon known as Smaug,Now with this character you can see the anger towards the elfs & you can see why the dwarf hate the elfs in the first place in fellowship of the ring in this film.Ken Stott plays Balin, A Dwarf of Durin's Folk descended from King Náin II, and thus closely related to the royal house of the Longbeards. He had many adventures in his long life, beginning at the age of just thirty-six, when he fought in the Battle of Azanulbizar beneath the East-gate of Moria. It was in that battle that the young Balin's father Fundin was slain.he's character seem to be the wisist of the group but even ho he old he still got the warrior in him.Graham McTavish plays dwalin, A Dwarf descended from the royal line of Durin's Folk, the son of Fundin and brother to Balin. Both Dwalin and his brother were part of the company accompanying Bilbo to the Lonely Mountain, William Kircher has two parts in this film one voice acting & one live, he plays bifur one of the dwarf warriors & the voice of one of the giant Troll tom, James Nesbitt plays Bofur,Bofur joined Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield on the quest to the Lonely Mountain in the Hobbit. He was a brother of Bombur's and Bifur was his cousin, Stephen Hunter plays Bombur, this character is pretty funny because all he thinks about is eatting it shows.Dean O'Gorman plays Fili, he seem to be a joker/ladys man but a dam good fighter,Aidan Turner plays Kili, Kili is one of the youngest Dwarves in the Company. He is always seen with his brother Fili. They are the nephews of Thorin. Both play the fiddle at the unexpected party at Bilbos home. They always are the persons sent out to explore while the Company is on their adventure. Both are fun-loving, love to eat and always are the persons to do any work for the Company if it is ever needed. They bravely fight in the battle of the five armies, trying to protect their uncle Thorin, John Callen plays Oin, one of the dwarf warriors that joined the group to destory the dragon, Peter Hambleton plays two parts as well ome voice the other live, he plays Gloin, One of the party of Dwarves that accompanied Thorin Oakenshield in his campaign to retake the Lonely Mountain from the dragon Smaug. After the Battle of Five Armies he became a great leader among the Dwarves and was among the emissaries sent to the elf city of Rivendel to discuss the growing power of Sauron during the War of the Ring. His son, Gimli was among the nine members of the Fellowship of the Ring that was sent out to aid Frodo in his mission to bring the One Ring to Mount Doom where it could be destroyed & the voice of one of the giant troll William, Jed Brophy plays Nori, one of the group of dwarfs that join the jounrey to defeat the smaug, Mark Hadlow plays Dori other member of the dwarfs group to defeat smaug & the voice of the other troll Bert.Adam Brown plays Ori a young dwarf who join the group which seem to have alot of courge,Hugo Weaving (cameo) returns as Elrond, By the beginning of Frodo's journey, Elrond had lived in Middle-Earth for approximately 6,500 years. He is the immortal founder and master of Imladris (Rivendell), husband of Celebrian, father to Arwen, son-in-law to Galadriel, and brother of Elros (an ancient ancestor to Aragorn). Though he is called half-elven, he is descended in some form or another from all three of the great elven houses and even from the divine Maiar themselves. Because of the merits of his father, Earendil, all that follow in his bloodline may choose between mortality and eternity (which eventually leads to the undying lands in the west).The beautiful Cate Blanchett (cameo) return as Galadriel, Noldorin princess, the daughter of Finarfin. Galadriel was the only woman to play a prominent role in the debate of the Noldor following the theft of the Silmarils, and, eager to return to Middle-earth, she was one of the leaders of the host of Fingolfin.In Middle-earth she dwealt with Finrod on Tol Sirion, but when her brother moved to Nargothrond, she went to Doriath, where she married Celeborn and was instructed in wisdom by Melian. She had one child, Celebrian. At the fall of Doriath she probably fled to Arvernien or the Mouths of Sirion. Galadriel was the only leader of the revolting Noldor to survive the Wars of Beleriand, and at the end of the First Age a ban was set on her return to Valinor.There is something revieled in her character in this film, that she seems to have a higher power almost god like as she can appear some where & disapear without walking like astral travel to be somewhere at will, she has control over the giant eagles as well, Christopher Lee (cameo) returns as Saruman, Saruman was one of the 5 Istari sent to Middle-Earth to help guide the free peoples of Middle-Earth to victory against Sauron. Saruman usually wore white, and was appointed as head of the White Council. He was known as Curunir (the Cunning) by the elves, and his greatest power was his voice, which always sounded like the voice of reason to any weak-minded listeners. Saruman got entrenched in the mythology of the Rings of Power, and learned in the records of Minas Tirith that the Ring had fallen into the Anduin. He sought the power accorded with the ring. As he got caught up in his desire for power, he was ensnared by Sauron using the Palantir of Isengard. Saruman decided to betray his duties, and aid Sauron, though his real intentions were to take the ring for himself and overthrow Sauron, taking all the power for himself. He changed his robes at this point, and was known as Saruman of many see him in this film before the cruption takes over but when well have to see in the other 2 films. Andy Serkis (cameo) returns as Gollum still funny as ever but hes in more of a darker way inthis film, A character in The Return of the King, I am Gollum, a Stoor and the ancient ring bearer who had the One Ring before Bilbo and Frodo. Other names I am known as are: Trahald, Slinker and Stinker. Before he became Gollum he was formally known as Smeagol and he hailed origionally from near the Gladden Fields, Gollum is roughly 3ft 8inches tall, though it is hard to measure exactly. Tortured and wrought wretched by the lure of the One Ring, Gollum is a withered, piteous creature. Driven mad and twisted by his loss of the One Ring decades ago, he is compelled to haunt Middle-earth, searching everywhere for the only thing in the world he ever cared for, his precious. (the one ring to rule them all created by Sauron),Sylvester McCoy plays Radagast the brown one of the seven wizard,A member of the order of wizards specializing in animal lore. Commonly maintains relationships between the wizards and the various animal lords. As one of the five Istari Wizards sent to Middle-Earth by the Valar, Radagast was hand picked by Yavanna, the Valar who created all of the growing things in Middle-Earth, who strongly pressed Curunir (Saruman) to take Radagast as one of the five. Yavanna knew Radagast had a strong love of her creations of nature and wildlife, and that by sending him to Middle-Earth he would be drawn to look to and protect the things he had grown to love while in Aman, and not to fulfill his mission as one of the Istari, which was to stand against Sauron and to inspire Men, Elves, Dwarves and all free people of Middle-Earth for good. While in Middle-Earth, Radagast paid little notice for the doings and actions of the outside world, and would often dissapear into the forests and wilderness for long periods of time. While Radagast failed in his specifically appointed mission as an Istari, he did succeed in fulfilling Yavanna's subterfuge.Barry Humphries voice of the Great Goblin king In the hobbit, the great goblin is the king of the goblins under the misty mountains. He is killed by Gandalf in the original book, and the persecution by the goblins afterwards leads to Bilbo's encounter with Gollum. As the company continues their adventures, the goblins seek revenge for their fallen leader, and march to the lonely mountain with an army of goblins and wargs, originating the final battle in the story.Jeffrey Thomas plays Thror,Thror (aka Thrór) was a Dwarf-king of the House of Durin in JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth. Thror is the grandfather of Thorin Oakenshield. In the year 2770 of the Third Age of Middle-earth, Thror and his people were driven from their home of Erebor (Lonely Mountain) by the Dragon Smaug. Twenty years later, Thror attempted to return to the old Dwarf-kingdom of Khazad-dum (Moria), where he was slain by the Orc-king Azog.Michael Mizrahi plays Thrain, Thrain (aka Thráin II) is a Dwarf-king of the House of Durin in JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth. Thrain is the father of Thorin Oakenshield. In the year 2841 of the Third Age of Middle-earth, Thrain and a few companions attempted to return to Lonely Mountain to reclaim the treasure of his people from the Dragon Smaug. Instead, he was captured in 2845 by the Necromancer and imprisoned in the fortress of Dol Guldur. Thrain was discovered in the dungeons by the Wizard Gandalf the Grey; he gave Gandalf the key to the Side-door of Erebor before dying.Lee Pace (cameo) plays Thranduil, Thranduil first appears in The Hobbit as the Elvenking, when Bilbo and the Dwarves enter his realm in the northern part of Mirkwood. The Dwarves are captured by Thranduil's guards and locked in his dungeons when they refuse to divulge their intentions. The Dwarves were rescued by Bilbo, who had remained in hiding with his use of a magic ring of invisibility. After the death of the dragon Smaug, Thranduil along with people of Lake Town demanded a share of the treasure of Erebor. War with the Dwarves was averted by the arrival of a goblin/warg army and the ensuing battle. Thranduil was the father of Legolas, a supporting character in The Lord of the Rings. The gradually-established friendship between Legolas and the Dwarf Gimli, the son of Glóin of The Hobbit, helps to reconcile Thranduil's people and the Dwarves. The appendices to The Return of the King note that Thranduil withstood attacks by Sauron during northern battles of the War of the Ring, meeting with Celeborn and his people to together destroy Dol Guldur and cleanse Mirkwood of Sauron's taint of evil. Also, Legolas and the Silvan Elves later worked together with Gimli and the Dwarves to rebuild and improve Minas Tirith, capital city of Gondor, the realm of their mutual friend Aragorn. The last time Thranduil was mentioned was soon after Sauron's final defeat.Manu Bennett (cameo) plays the warg rider general Azog, Conan Stevens plays the other wargrider, John Rawls is the voice of Yazneg an evil orc master who rides a white warg, this character is visous in nature is hell bent on destorying the dwarf forever,Benedict Cumberbatch plays a very big part of lord of the ring the evil power Necromancer in the hobbit aka sauron spirit returns from the power of the ring, Originally a Maia of Aulë's people, Sauron was early corrupted by Melkor and became his most trusted lieutenant.His treason was not discovered for some time, however, nor was it discovered by any will other than his own. For in cunning, few if any, within the mortal realm were his match. Prior to his overt defection, he served as a spy of Melkor, through the destruction of Almaren until his open defection from the Blessed Realm of Valinor. Once wholly in the service of Melkor, he was known as Gorthaur the Cruel, a necromancer of terrible power. Able to perceive the mind of Melkor like no other, he was true to his master and sought not to advance himself while in his service. Such was the relationship, that Gorthaur had a share in all the malice and works of evil wrought by Melkor in those days, and he was named as chief lieutenant of Melkor, and made master of the newly delved fortress of Angband Originally a Maia of Aulë's people, Sauron was early corrupted by Melkor and became his most trusted lieutenant.His treason was not discovered for some time, however, nor was it discovered by any will other than his own. For in cunning, few if any, within the mortal realm were his match. Prior to his overt defection, he served as a spy of Melkor, through the destruction of Almaren until his open defection from the Blessed Realm of Valinor.Once wholly in the service of Melkor, he was known as Gorthaur the Cruel, a necromancer of terrible power. Able to perceive the mind of Melkor like no other, he was true to his master and sought not to advance himself while in his service. Such was the relationship, that Gorthaur had a share in all the malice and works of evil wrought by Melkor in those days, and he was named as chief lieutenant of Melkor, and made master of the newly delved fortress of Angband.Now this film along with it music & stunning visual effect this is one film not to be missed.
Dislike: there is nothing wrong with this film.
Overall : action fantasy adventure that dosnt disapoint, good battle scenes & funny moments this film is not to be missed.
Rating: 5 out of 5 for entertainment/ 10 out of 10 for concept & storyline.

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