Cert: 18 cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: There is a scene of a sex dungeon, woman give a BJ
Violence & Gore: there is a lot of bloody scenes & milo coming out of the ass
Profanity: Some strong language
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: There a few scenes where people are drinking
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Just a few scene that are pretty screwed up
Story: Ken is an average guy who works at an average office job. But he starts to get pains in his stomach whenever he feels stressed out. Things get worse every time he tries to just hide his stress, by burying it inside. It all comes to a head when that "stress" is turned in to an actual little beast that exits his body via his butt and takes revenge on the things that stress him out. But it soon starts to threaten the one thing he loves, his wife.
Likes : Watching this film you can complete tell it in an 80s style horror film, which I didn't know if I should laugh at it or find the creature cute, because it was like looking at a mutated baby with sharp teeth. Now these types of film were OK back in the 80s but seriously this type of film belongs in the 80s & really doesn't fit with today's film's, this serious wasn't the worst thing I've seen but it very close. If you like the old horror film from the 80s that used puppet's your probably like this but for me being a horror fan this wasn't the greatest horror film at all.
It not scary at all it more of a comedy than a horror altho it dose contain the bloody scenes, it a laughable horror. This is one of those films your Iver like or your just find completely boring & stupid. I for one have seen better horror than this, this to be honest is not really worth watching unless your in to the 80s style puppet horror film's.
Dislikes : Like I said horror like this have had there day back in the 80s,they have no place in the modern day horror film's.
Overall : Not really worth watching unless you like 80s style horror film's
Rating: 2.1 out of 5 for entertainment / 3.4 out of 10 for horror concept/storyline.

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