Cert: This was a 15 cert But I would say, 18 cert R-rating on scares alone
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A husband and his wife kiss while standing in their bedroom window; he picks her up and moves away from the window (sex is implied).
A husband and wife kiss.
A husband kisses his wife on the cheek.
A woman asks her husband, "Do you remember what you said to me on our wedding night?" and he says, "Can we do it again?" (Alluding to sex)
A woman walks toward a shower, wrapped in a large bath towel; we see her from the waist-up and her bare shoulders and arms are seen.
A woman wakes up in the morning to find a large bruise on her knee. Later she asks her husband what he did to her the previous night (alluding sex).
A minor discussion on the molestation of a man by his father. (for more, please see "Violence & Gore")
Violence & Gore: A woman vomits blood onto a basement floor,A police officer arrives at a house and shoots the front door open with a rifle. Inside the house.A ravaged female corpse in a long, revealing and tattered nightgown hangs from a tree with her neck snapped in the front yard, and her hair, face, hands and feet are all black with soot; she also hangs from a rafter in a basement and hangs above a man's head in the front yard.
A female corpse hurdles violently towards a screaming, crying woman in a dark basement until the woman falls into a hole and through a crawl space.A pigeon flies into a house and falls to the ground (its wings appear to be broken).
A bird crashes through a car window and cuts a little girl inside the car slightly on the arm (we see some blood).
A large flock of flying birds smash into the side of a house, through the house's windows, and into a number of vehicles parked outside the house, before falling to the ground dead; eventually one corner of the house becomes red with blood.
A young girl sleepwalks several times and bangs her head into a wardrobe.
A woman suffers a new large bruise on an arm, leg or shoulder every night.A maid in 18th century garb reveals slit forearms, and runs up to a police officer in the house and shouts in his face.Something unseen pulls children nearly off their beds by the ankle every night.
A rocking chair gets thrown across a room, shattering violently.
A few people in a family complain of an odor like rancid meat or like "something died" in their farmhouse.We hear that witches believe that murdering their children elevates them in the eyes of Satan.
We briefly see a series of black and white newspaper clippings with headlines announcing haunting, a human sacrifice and malevolence in Rhode Island; one clipping contains a photo of a seance with the participants' faces blurred out.
A woman has a vision of her young daughter floating downstream in a river, face up.
Profanity: 2 scatological terms, 1 mild scatological term ("I had to go"), 4 mild obscenities (one is not fully enunciated: "son of a b----), 3 religious profanities (all are GD) and 4 religious exclamations (Oh my God, God, By the power of God, and one Latin exorcism reading).
Name-calling (wackos and kooks.)
Stereotypical references to parents, children, reporters, ghost hunters, priests, the Vatican and skeptics.1 use of "damn it" A man says "It pisses them off"
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: A woman swallows a pill from a prescription medication bottle and says she is iron deficient which causes her to bruise.
A man has a short glass of whisky on a desk but does not drink from it.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The majority of the film is very atmospheric and moody, with many sights and sounds that some may find disturbing.
Story: In 1971, Carolyn and Roger Parren move their family into a dilapidated Rhode Island farm house and soon strange things start happening around it with escalating nightmarish terror. In desperation, Carolyn contacts the noted paranormal investigators, Ed and Lorraine Warren, to examine the house. What the Warrens discover is a whole area steeped in a satanic haunting that is now targeting the Parren family wherever they go. To stop this evil, the Warrens will have to call upon all their skills and spiritual strength to defeat this spectral menace at its source that threatens to destroy everyone involved
Likes : First thing your notice with the film is the fact it based on a true story, here your probably thinking oh yet another horror that made up to be a true story for the shock & horror value for the film. Well you would be wrong in thinking that, This is truly based on an investigation back in the 70 of a true haunted house & area which leads to two other haunting in the same area one of which is the famous Amityville haunting which was investigated by the same investigator in this film.
Vera Farmiga & Patrick Wilson Portray world famous demonologist Lorraine Warren & Ed Warren who have countless paranormal investigation like Amityville The Warrens are best known for their involvement in the Amityville Horror case in which New York couple George and Kathy Lutz claimed that their house was haunted by a violent, demonic presence so intense that it eventually drove them out of their home.
The Amityville Horror Conspiracy authors Stephen and Roxanne Kaplan characterized the case as a "hoax" Lorraine Warren told a reporter for The Express-Times newspaper that the Amityville Horror was not a hoax. The reported haunting was the basis for the 1977 book The Amityville Horror and 1979 and 2005 movies of the same name. Demon murder In 1981, Arne Johnson was accused of killing his landlord, Alan Bono.
Ed and Lorraine Warren had been called prior to the killing to deal with the alleged demonic possession of the younger brother of Mr. Johnson's fiancee. The Warrens subsequently claimed that Mr. Johnson was also possessed. At trial, Mr. Johnson attempted to plead Not Guilty by Reason of Demonic Possession, but was unsuccessful with his plea.The case was described in the 1983 book The Devil in Connecticut by Gerald Brittle.
The Warrens' most famous case, the Amityville Horror, has been questioned by critics. According to Benjamin Radford, the story was "refuted by eyewitnesses, investigations and forensic evidence."[6] Lawyer William Weber reportedly stated that he, Jay Anson and the occupants "invented" the horror story "over many bottles of wine."
Horror author Ray Garton who wrote an account of the alleged haunting of the Snedeker family in Southington, Connecticut later called into question the veracity of the accounts contained in his book, saying, The family involved, which was going through some serious problems like alcoholism and drug addiction, could not keep their story straight, and I became very frustrated; its hard writing a non-fiction book when all the people involved are telling you different stories.
These were just some of the investigation they done. One thing I can say is the fact that what makes this a pretty frightening film is it really did happen & shed's some light on the amityville investigation. If you go to watch this film be warned its not for the faith heart, this is by far one of the best true story horror film to date that will scare the living hell out of you. It has the chilling & disturbing factor as will as the story unfolds. It truly is a terrifying film to watch a family go though this Evil event in their lives, there are some moments that will make you jump, but the good thing about this film as well is that it give you a real insight to demonology & the way haunting's happen any where for a reason. The twisted moody & dark atmosphere really set the tone for the film to really put a chill down your spin.
Dislikes : Just slight a bit slow in place but not enough to get board of the film.
Overall : Best horror to date, Seriously frightening & spin chilling, i recommend going to watching this Film if you love to be scared.
Rating: 5 out of 5 for Horror / 10 out of 10 for the dark atmosphere/spin chilling theme/real story
To prove this is a true story here's the link to the website of the true accounts by the oldest daughter Andrea Perron : http://www.paranormalpros.com/andreaperronauthor.htm

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