Cert: This was Given a adult 15 cert, but due to its content I would say a straight up 18 cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A husband and his wife hug twice and kiss once before he goes away on a long mission.A husband and his wife, wearing T-shirts (hers is sleeveless and bares her shoulders and full arms), lie side by side in bed under covers.A few women wear scoop-necked and V-necked tops that reveal cleavage.In a supermarket, during looting, two men try to rape a woman. This is not blatantly obvious, and would likely require previous knowledge and understanding of rape. Some adults in audience said they thought she may be being mugged, but were unsure
Violence & Gore: Numerous scenes show thousands of male and female zombies charging down the center of streets in various cities, swarming up walls and buildings in search of healthy human beings to bite; each time this occurs, armies shoot the zombies with automatic rifles and fell large numbers of them; some zombies run quickly toward the camera, flashing gray flesh, yellowed teeth, wide eyes and slobbering mouths (we sometimes see drool and a little blood at the corner of their mouths); the zombies screech like birds, growl, click their teeth and make sounds like chattering insects as they run and fall on top of cars, cracking windshields and people run and scream.A scientist falls and accidentally shoots himself to death (we see him face down in a plane's entrance with no blood shown).A motorcycle patrol officer rides passed a car stopped in a traffic jam and knocks the driver's side mirror off; the driver gets out of his car as another officer rides up and shouts at him to get back in his car until the officer is run over by an SUV; several cycle cops ride by as we hear a rumble and see an explosion in the background accompanied by large dust clouds; we see a commotion as thousands of aggressive, grimacing zombies surge forward and swarm over objects and people causing cars and trucks to roll and crash; two trucks crash through each other, zombies bite people in the neck and the victims drop, convulse and arise with blue-gray skin and milky glazed eyes as zombies; from the air, people and zombies look like ants and the zombies swarm up into piles over cars and trucks, looking for more people to bite.In Jerusalem, zombies jump over a high wall and down on top of a wire covering over a long walkway for healthy people and they occasionally bite a human through the wire; one zombie bites an iron bar to a barred doorway, briefly in close-up and a soldier is bitten by two zombies at once (one on either side of the neck as he falls away from the camera); soldiers fire mortars as well as automatic rifles/handguns from rooftops and helicopters, kicking away zombies hanging onto helicopter rails
Profanity: 5 scatological terms, 2 anatomical terms, 6 mild obscenities.
Stereotypical references to zombies, men, women, politicians, Jews, North Koreans, soldiers, scientists, 3 religious profanities, 4 religious exclamations.
Name-calling (crazy, idiot, fools, fat, freak, twit and monkey.)
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: A man injects himself with a syringe from one biohazardous material vial and he later receives an antidote by a syringe from a doctor.
In a pharmacy a man gives another man three albuterol inhalers and some boxes of capsules for his asthmatic daughter.
In a pharmacy scene a police officer gathers up over-the-counter medications (we cannot see labels) and carries them away.
We see the back of a pharmacy where there are shelves filled with medications (labels are unreadable.)
We see shelves containing bottles in a refrigerated room and hear that they are biohazardous materials that include typhus and meningitis and cholera, and vials of infectious materials are air lifted to soldiers all over the world along with antidotes to the infections.
An elderly man in a dark alley sits in a shadow and drinks from a bottle wrapped in a brown paper bag (presumably wine.)
Men and women drink from bottles of beer in an apartment.
Two men in an office have small glasses of wine before them and one drinks from his glass.
A man and a woman on a plane each drink a small bottle of vodka.
A man pours a small bottle of vodka on a wound on a woman's arm below the shot (please see the Violence/Gore category for more details) and she trembles add drinks another bottleful of vodka.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Chase sequences and lots of shootings (including children), explosions, and dead bodies.Some jump scenes with zombies and vehicles.
It's intense, but it's not overly graphic -- though a plane crash sequence does result in a key character being injured, with a piece of metal sticking out of his stomach.
A woman's arm is cut off. (no blood.) People choosing suicide over infection
Story: Former UN agent Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) spending time with his family when he's suddenly thrust into a nightmare survival against a horde of zombie killing people & turning them. He told they need his help & now its a race against time for the survival of the human race & the population of the world is fastly running down & the zombie hordes are mounting.Can the human race be saved or will the world turn to darkness.
Likes : First thing's first I want to explain the scenario of a outbreak to all of you that want to see a zombie apocalypse happen sod off, there is no way in hell I want to be alive if this ever happened, it not cool in anyway possible to see this happen in our lifetime. Here a few facts about this type of thing & what will happen, i've seen lot of people saying they will survive or fight back at the beginning when it happens guess what they won't be alive to do that, think about how fast this virus would take a hold less then 10 second you're turned then you're chasing after someone else they turn & so on & so on. The first hour will be mass panic in the streets zombie jump on people, people panicking and screaming, running for their lives, Your first instinct is to run & hide this would be the wrong thing to do, because even if you lock yourself in a house or flat the zombie would rip through the doors why because a zombie has no longer got the instinct for self survival not to harm itself, all its think is infect or eat human's, it would smash it way through the door to get to you, you won't stand a chance if there is a group of them ,even if you have a gun you have to get past the other 1000 zombie that have been turn in less than hour outside in the streets, bullet only last a while. You may be one of the lucky ones that get picked up by military to safety, but you have to understand one thing 100,000,000 people will become 500 people in less than 2 hours. Some people say well how can a zombie run if its dead, well a psychologist or anyone that has study the human body would agree with me here that yes a zombie can run at it's first turning stage because it still has the muscle & body mass to run at you.You have to think of the virus as a live organism that controlling the body on instinct, its only when the body is starved of its nature need their body start to decay it at this stage there slow at moving because their body's muscle can hold them to run Fast but this could be months down the line which makes the first 24 hours & beyond the most dangerous time to be in the city or anywhere on land these are real facts if it did god forbid happen in real life. The first thing I can say about this film is wow, i've never read the book's but seriously as zombie film's go this is the most realistic zombie film you'll ever see. Out of all the zombie film made this is the best one by far, it's what resident evil should of been told like, World war z has a clever intense and frightening story that most zombie film don't have as it shows in more detail the beginning of what happens in a outbreak in a very intense frightening way that makes your heart bound with fear. Most part of this film are very frightening as in a way you see people being slaughtered & turned & special the plane scene was intense and disturbing.I know a lot of people don't like Brad Pitt but I have to say his performance in this film was brilliant he showed real believable family man struggling to keep he family live & helping the UN try to find a cure or a way to survive this nightmare. I love the way the screen on board the ship's showed real outbreak happening which give the film a more real edge as you see the population number's going down fast & the world map's showing red circles getting bigger as the infection spreads across the world & you hear the soldiers say curtain places have gone dark as if to say they're all dead or they've lost power. I've got to say this is one film you should watch, yes there is going to be people that say this film wasn't like this book's but you need to understand its just a movie & its very hard to put a book story into a film, but i'm sure its pretty close to the book as it can be. This film shows just how much zombie horror film are good sometimes this one out of all of them so far is the best story told for this type of horror. if you look close in one scene you see a cameo from Matthew Fox playing a Parajumper. Remember this is just the beginning film there has to be a sequel to the film. but one thing I love about this film is the way the scientist explain mother nature I don't think i've heard a better explanation on how mother nature can be dangerous & evil. The other thing as well i've never heard a cinema being so quiet watching this film,i think it the fact that this film is seriously shocking & disturbing which this film did what it was meant to do entertain & shock the audience because it made me on edge where it was intense
Dislikes : I can't really find any fault in this film, because it was made to look real which gave this film its edge.
Overall :Intensely frightening, Heart bounding edge of your seat moments, not to be missed.
Rating: 4.8 out of 5 for entertainment / 10 out of 10 for storyline/zombie outbreak

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