Cert: U cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: All animated forms Gru puts a belt on that is supposed to detect something and he walks around thrusting his hips suggestively towards inanimate objects, he prolongs his thrusting towards a picture of another man.
They show a picture of Gru in a Speedo.
Capsule-shaped minions wear female clothing and one is shown wearing a French maid costume while wiggling hips and singing nonsense syllables.
A minion wearing a little-girl disguise loses the skirt on an escalator, revealing pink panties and hides in a flowerpot.
A man rips open his shirt to show the Mexican flag tattooed on his overweight and hairy chest.
In a beach scene, a minion runs off camera, tosses his coveralls back onto the sand, and the camera cuts to his butt cheeks as he runs into the ocean.
Four overweight women wear sleeveless dresses that bare their arms and show cleavage.
An outhouse door opens and we see a seated man with a large newspaper (his hairless lower legs are exposed).
Violence & Gore: In two scenes, people ride a shark tied to a rocket with dynamite, aimed at a volcano: In the first scene, the volcano explodes in flames and smoke and we hear that the lone rider died, but see him OK later; in the second scene, before the volcano explodes and fills the whole screen with fire and smoke, the shark falls onto a sushi table and the two people fall into the ocean safely.
Two minions receive purple injections (please see the Substance Use category for more details) and change into snarling, purple frazzle-haired zombies with raggedy teeth; they eat anything, including tricycles, bushes, a whole front yard and a police car; one of them chases two little girls and bites the bottom of a stuffed unicorn; many more minions are injected and become the same zombie creatures, which look like a short frizzy purple Jerry Lewis from "The Nutty Professor"; there was also a video shown of a man doing the same process to a bunny as an experiment, but the mutated bunny attacks and presumably kills the man off-screen while we hear violent sounds of mutilation from the video and we see the disgusted looks of some of the characters watching it; the purple minions chase a man and two yellow minions, swarm over parks, over walls, up a building and up a flagpole and the yellow minions and purple minions make fart sounds at one another and argue; a scientist appears with a plane and shoots an antidote into the zombies' mouths to cure them (they gag from the bad taste of the medicine); three little girls shoot jelly from rifles and jelly is shot toward the audience.
An overweight man drinks a purple serum and becomes a shaggy purple abominable snowman with a black beard; he chases a man who falls from a roof onto a scaffold, picks up the scaffold, and drops it as he roars at minions and the man until a scientist fires a "fart gun" to make him pass out after being shot with a taser (he convulses briefly).
A man finds a dark secret room in a restaurant, entering while dodging axes swung by mechanical figures in black armor, and a flamethrower that singes his hair; he has hatpins stuck in his nose, but no blood shows.
A man pulls a knife and says someone will die in his restaurant tonight while a mad watch-chicken pecks at a man and a woman; the restaurant owner pulls out 10 knives and falls down unhurt.
A female spy argues with a man on the sidewalk and uses a taser gun on him and on two minions that fall into her car (we see sparks as the victims shake and pass out for a few moments); the woman stuffs the man into her car trunk and lets the minions lie on her passenger seat as she drives into the ocean (it's an aqua-car); the car passes a scary shark with big teeth and hits an octopus with its windshield without inflicting damage, and at Spy Headquarters the man is released with a sea creature hanging onto him by suction cups.
A woman kicks in a door and later smashes cupcakes with karate moves; she hits a man in the face superficially.
A woman slaps the face of a man in a shopping mall for getting too close.
A man kicks a trashcan and knocks three women out of his way and off screen as they grunt.
A man fires a freeze gun that turns people or their hands into ice temporarily (they are not permanently harmed).
A man and a woman shoot ray guns at each other, canceling each other out.
A man fires a rifle and it produces a balloon.
A woman jumps from an airliner and pulls a glider-parachute from her purse, floating to safety.
During closing credits, a black panel opens on screen as a minion lights a fuse with a cigarette lighter and the fuse burns up to a firecracker; the panel closes, we hear an explosion and we see the outlines of three minions embedded in the panel; the panel opens and the minions are dirty, but OK; they argue for several seconds, and break a sign over one's head, but do no long-term damage.
A woman tied to a car roof is thrown off and smashes into the back of a parked SUV, but is unhurt.
A minion in a cardboard box is dragged like a sled by a car, by his suspenders and two cars miss hitting him.
A minion answers his front door, screams at a shadow, and disappears.
An ice cream truck's cone lowers and vacuums up a bunch of minions.
A cat in a trashcan scares two minions, who are then taken into the sky by a blue beam.
We see a hundred minions on a beach; the camera pans back and we see a fishbowl containing them as prisoners.
Two minions drive a car recklessly inside a shopping mall.
Capsule-shaped minions continually argue, slapping one other around, falling, shouting, but never being injured.
At a kids' party, minions dressed in armor and carrying small swords and axes beat each other but are unharmed; one starts a chainsaw, but stops it and puts it away; a steel trap snaps shut near a swing set, although it harms no one and a little girl at the party wears a ninja costume and swings a play sword and nunchucks, even playing ping pong with nunchucks rather than a paddle.
At a party, a girl hits a man in the head with a ball bat meant for a piñata, but he is not harmed.
A boy kicks him in the groin, he grunts, but he recovers quickly.
A man pretends to shoot himself in the head with his finger as a nosy neighbor knocks at his door; outside he knocks her down with spray from a large hose.
A man holds a drink in a short glass and crushes it in his bare hand (he is unharmed).
A man burns a telephone with a flamethrower; three minions with flashing lights rush in with axes, chop holes in the wall, spray foam and water, and leave, making siren noises.
Two Russians at an Arctic station argue a little over poker, when suddenly a huge red magnet-shaped spaceship appears in the sky; the entire station and all outbuildings fly up and attach to the magnet that flies away; two men and a woman in white coats are left lying facedown on the ice in some debris, but get up quickly, unharmed.
In two scenes, a fart gun fires a big blast of brown smoke toward the audience.
A scene features a 21-fart salute with fart guns firing brown clouds into the air; a man says he detected a 22nd fart and a minion giggles with guilt.
Throughout the film, yellow capsule-shaped minions make dozens of "raspberry" and fart sounds with their tongues while they argue.
A dog-monster urinates on a bush and we see the urine as the bush loses all its leaves and dies.
An overweight man scratches his bottom while riding on a mall escalator.
A man wearing X-ray goggles sees a woman's internal organs and shudders with disgust.
We hear that a woman's husband died
Profanity: 2 mild scatological terms (poop) and 1 mild anatomical term (bottom.)
Name-calling (dream crusher, loco, crazy, bonkers, sheep's-butt and phony.)
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: A woman shoots a tranquillizer dart into another woman's bottom and the victim falls asleep in her food in a restaurant.
A woman says that she gets a buzz from being a spy and capturing a man.
A minion imagines drinking champagne under a tree with a woman.
Three restaurant scenes and one scene in an outdoor sushi bar show alcoholic drinks on tables (no one drinks.)
Hundreds of minions party with mugs of ice cream drinks and a few act as though drunk when they slur their words and stumble.
Margaritas are served at a celebration (no one actually drinks).
A minion pretends to smoke a cigarette (it's a toothpick).
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Very mild scary scenes, but you may barely notice.
Story: While Gru, the ex-supervillain is adjusting to family life and an attempted honest living in the jam business, a secret Arctic laboratory is stolen. The Anti-Villain League decides it needs an insider's help and recruits Gru in the investigation. Together with the eccentric AVL agent, Lucy Wilde, Gru concludes that his prime suspect is the presumed dead supervillain, El Macho, whose his teenage son is also making the moves on his eldest daughter, Margo. Seemingly blinded by his overprotectiveness of his children and his growing mutual attraction to Lucy, Gru seems on the wrong track even as his minions are being quietly kidnapped en masse for some malevolent purpose.
Likes : Despicable Me 2 is one of those rare cases that a hit animated film's sequel surpasses the original film, The main character Gru (voiced by Steve Carell)is likable and funny. The minions however are the main stars, they had me laughing on multiple occasions during the film. The language created for the minions is very well done as they speak in a fictional language but you can always gather what they are saying.I found the visuals very impressive, it was very colourful and very imaginative, the action scenes we also very well done.
I will say tho you have to love the minions there like the squirrel in ice age it just wouldn't be the same with out them, special with the thing they do, they really do have you rolling around on the floor laughing your head off.
In this film their just more funnier than they were in the first film which was good as well, but this is a great family afternoon film that will leave you happy after watching as it a feel good film. I recommend it for those who love animation, especially if you enjoyed the first "Despicable Me" film.
Dislikes : Nothing wrong with this film
Overall : Very funny, great family entertainment film, fun for all the family to watch.
Rating: 5 out of 5 for entertainment / 9 out of 10 for funny moments & storyline.

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