Cert: 18 cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: In the opening scene, a woman's breasts are shown close up for several seconds as she straddles a man. The man then gets up and walks into frame, his genitals are in full view for a few seconds, though they are poorly lit. In the first tape, a woman undresses. Her breasts are clearly visible for a few minutes. An implied sex scene ensues. A boy watches his sister have sex from a distance. He interrupts her though; nothing graphic shown. He later briefly masturbates in a sleeping bag. Pornographic sounds are heard from the TV.
Violence & Gore: Frequent strong bloody violence and gore.
A man sees bloody figures in his house. Some ghost-like figures have bloody wounds.
A man attempts to remove his own eye with a straight razor.
A woman is drowned.
A filming device is shoved down a man's throat.
A woman vomits blood and then violently attacks and bites a man.
A man beats a woman to death with a rock. Bloody aftermath and empty eye-socket is shown.
Point of view perspective as a man vomits blood. He then violently attacks and bites two hikers.
A man is graphically disemboweled and eaten.
Very violent scene when zombies attack a child's birthday party. Lots of blood and gore; no children die on screen.
A man is run over by a truck. Various wounds are seen. Some exposed bone and gore.
A man shoots himself in the head with a shotgun. Blood sprays everywhere and we see his near hollowed-out head afterward.
A man is stabbed with a barbecue fork. It protrudes from his face for several minutes.
The third film is very violent:
A man is stabbed in the throat with a box cutter. His attacker then slowly drags the blade across his throat. Blood spills everywhere.
Several people, including children, commit suicide by drinking poison.
A woman is found seemingly dead on an operating table. She is covered in blood and it appears that her genital area was mutilated. Not seen up close.
Several men shoot themselves in the head. Blood flies everywhere.
A man is shot in the head with a shotgun up close. The aftermath shows that most of his face was blown off.
A man is hit in the head with the butt of a shotgun. He is later shot in the head execution style. His executioner then blows his own head off with shotgun.
In a very brief scene, a severed head is thrown against a window.
A room explodes, leaving blood everywhere.
A near-naked man gasps and sputters before spontaneously exploding. Blood flies everywhere; lots of organic matter scene.
Blood is seen after a mans head is dashed against a stone wall.
Lots of dead and dying people covered in blood and gore.
A demon-like monster rips through a woman's stomach. Lots of blood seen.
A man's car is knocked over. He is shown a moment later covered in blood.
Malevolent beings attack a group of children and teens, though much of the actual violence happens of screen.
A woman is shot in the head. We see blood spray, but no wound or contact.
A man tries to commit suicide by shooting himself up through the chin. He blows his bottom jaw apart, but survives the gunshot. He later strangles a man to death, and we see his tongue hanging where his jaw used to be. Very gory.
Profanity: Frequent use of F*ck and sh*t. Lesser swears used often as well.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: one scene where a few teenagers are drinking at a house party
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The movie is creepy and scary, but not as the first V/H/S it is toned down with sexuality but still high on blood and gore.The movie is intense and scary, especially Safe Haven segment which is very disturbing
Story: Searching for a missing student, two private investigators break into his house and find collection of VHS tapes. Viewing the horrific contents of each cassette, they realize there may be dark motives behind the student's disappearance.
Likes : I watched the first one of this film to be honest it wasn't that good, it was poorly made & just a little weird, but this one Ive got to say was an improvement but not much.I would warning you those that this version of VHS is very intense i mean intense & disturbing that it will probably make you feel sick after watching it if you don't like blood.Some scene are very bloody on gore special the safe heaven video section which was extremely blood thirsty & disturbing but was kind of funny at the end of it which was weird for what you've just seen before that.There is brief nudity at the begin where you see woman in a hotel room being films by a private investigator because the guy is cheating on hes wife.This VHS set apart from the first one because of it curtain dark sense of humour which gives this film an edge,but very frightening with some sense specially the alien abduction one so be warned this one is not for the faith hearted.It has that concept like creep show with a series of short films to show different horror directors on what they think would scare the audience & in some place i would say yes it would just due to its intensity.
Dislikes : The only thing i didn't like was it was a little over the top in gore,there was some sense that i just through was to disturbing.
Overall : If you like intense bloody & gore horror then this film is for you,if you don't like blood i wouldn't watch this film.
Rating: 3.6 out of 5 for entertainment / 7.8 out of 10 for horror/intensely disturbing

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