Cert: 12A cert i would say a 15 cert really because its very violent
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: We see a nude boy infant and his genitals are visible in a few scenes.
A woman wears a low-cut dress that reveals cleavage in a few scenes.
A man is shown bare-chested in several scenes and we see him with torn pants in one scene.
A woman wears a blouse that is unbuttoned low and reveals cleavage. Men wear form-fitting suits in several scenes.
A woman wears a form-fitting suit in several scenes.
A woman moans and screams in childbirth and her husband places his hands between her legs (we see her bare knees and lower thighs) and withdraws the infant (please see the Violence/Gore category for more details).
A woman caresses a man's face and they kiss. A man and a woman hold hands and gaze into each other's eyes. A man and a woman hug. A man in a bar touches a woman's clothed buttocks (please see the Violence/Gore category for more details).
A woman says of a man, "He's kinda hot
Violence & Gore: A huge tornado cloud forms and people on a road leave their cars and run for cover under an overpass; we see cars being lifted off the ground and blown into the funnel when a man returns to his car to retrieve his dog and is swept away in the winds to his death (we do not see the aftermath) as his adult son watches and screams.A woman watches as a planet collapses and a wall of flames engulfs her.There is alot of violent fight scenes though out the film.
Profanity: A man asks another man "Are you effing stupid?," 1 scatological term, 6 anatomical terms, 7 mild obscenities, name-calling (monster, outcast, freak, fools, dumb, greenhorn, creeping cancer of falsehoods, idiot, ghost, cipher), 2 religious exclamations.Two uses of "dick", one use of "ass" and "shit".
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: People in a bar drink beer, people drink alcohol in a bar, a woman drinks a shot of liquor, and a man drinks a beer.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: A school bus full of kids falls to the water from a bridge. It starts to sink, risking to drown everybody inside, until a kid breaks the backdoor and uses his superhuman strength to lift it up and push it to the shore. This scene could be highly disturbing for people afraid of large bodies of water.
Story: An infant son kar'l is sent to earth to save he life from a dieing planet,now 20 years on kar'l tries to hide who he is until he is force to reveal his secret as an age old enemy general zod threats the world to surrender kar'l or suffer its fate
Likes : Zack Snyder is a legend What an outstanding film,clearly the best superman film since christopher reeves film.Zack Snyder was right in getting Henry cavil to play superman, he really brought superman character out to a tee & perfect performance & outstanding as the man of steel, but there was something about the storyline which really made this film stand out the fact they show realism in the fact the people of earth didn't know what to make of him when he show him self to the world they were a little skeptical about kar'l which you can blame them for which show a lot of thought went in to this film to make it different.
Also notice that the basic storyline was made from the original superman but put in a different way which was brilliantly done.Ive got say parts of this film really did bring tears to my eye's special with the amazing sound track from Hans Zimmer really set the mood for some of the emotional parts as well as the fast paced action since.
The special effect & visual effect were just outstanding which showed a futuristic/sc-fi theme to the film that worked well for the concept of this type of film.Most did complain about the suit not being the normal suit with the red pants & red boots but seriously the new design is brilliant its shows a more alien medieval type suit which which really looks good & without sounding gay really looks good on Henry.
Thing i love about the begin of this film is that fact they started off pretty fast pace with a emotional scene to balance this start with Russel crows character jor'l & Ayelet Zurer character Lara Lor-Van which the scene was really heart breaking s they put there son in the pod. Two best in the film industry to play this role has kar'l parents with outstanding performance really made this scene real & emotional.
Micheal Shannon as general zod wow totally brought this cold, evil ruthless character to the role which really showed in hes acting, special some of the fight scene with Henry cavil really showed chemistry together on screen with there acting skill to show a real fight scene believable.
A Lot of people were sceptical about Amy Adams playing the role as Lois lane but i seriously think she played this part brilliantly, but a lot of critic have said there was enough romance & to much action but they said superman returns was to much romance & no action which kind of make you think are they ever happy, seriously we have been wait for a film like this for a long time, fans have said we want a superman film were we see superman kicking some ass Snyder has delivered for the fans,i personally think this film did really need that much romance because its a begin story of his life, i think Amy Adam played her role really good.
Diane Lane perfect choice for Martha Kent she really played this role well showing real mother instincts & caring to her role which made it real for the film & believe & i think perfect choice for Jonathan Kent Kevin Costner what a performance he gave as the dad some scene with the flash back were really brilliantly done & emotional at time,but he gave a believe father figure for Clark growing up showing him the right from the wrong which of course modded superman character later in he adult years.Christopher Meloni who played Colonel Nathan Hardy now even tho hes got this tough man act being a soldier he character had some balls stand up to Faora-Ul played by Antje Traue in a stand off knife fight even tho he wouldn't of stood a chance but was saved at the last min which was a pretty cool scene which lend to a big street battle of carnage.The good thing as well about this film is the character of zod really push superman moral compass of not to kill which really showed that snyder put a lot of through in to this film to make it like the comic books character of superman with his trait as a man & a hero.The flight mechanics of the way they got superman to fly in this film really showed realism as if some would fly like breaking the sound barriers like a fighter jet,which shows a more believeable scene that a man can fly which wasn't shown in superman returns,so synder really got this right for the film.This film is also well balanced with the action scenes & the flash backs really sets this film above the rest of the superhero films & doesn't leave you feeling you want more because this film live up to the hype.
Dislikes : I cant see anything wrong with this film because it just outstanding
Overall :Henry Cavil, Russel crow, Micheal Shannon at their best Epic, Adrenaline pumping, fast paced,dark gritty, outstanding & emotional version of the superman story , a must see.
Rating: 5 out of 5 for entertainment / 10 out of 10 for outstanding performances by actor's & actress's/storyline

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