Cert: 18 cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity:
There is a sex scene in which a couple make love with some nudity but no strong sexual detail.
There are also moments of female nudity as characters shower during the film.
There is also a brief moment of sexual threat to one character.
The film features a series of gory killings with some focus on the infliction of pain and injury.
There is a sex scene in which a couple make love with some nudity but no strong sexual detail.
There are also moments of female nudity as characters shower during the film.
There is also a brief moment of sexual threat to one character.
Violence & Gore: The film features a series of gory killings with some focus on the infliction of pain and injury.
There is no very strong detail but the scenes are bloody with some focus on dismembered body parts in the aftermath of killings.
A scene shows a man in a suspended head-first over a set of rotating blades and subsequently dipped into them.
In another scene a man cuts his own throat, which opens up with a large gush of blood.
We also see a head being blown apart with a shotgun.
The film has a far fetched tone, with the killer and his victims involved in a battle of wits.
Profanity: Frequent use of strong language and some name-calling.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: People smoking and drinking in a bar.
Frightening/Intense Scenes:
The tone is quite violent and unsettling.
Some viewers may find some scenes frightening, intense or disturbing.
Some may find the violence too much.
The scene where a character's head is blown off by a shotgun by frighten some young viewers The tone is quite violent and unsettling.
Some viewers may find some scenes frightening, intense or disturbing.
Some may find the violence too much.
The scene where a character's head is blown off by a shotgun by frighten some young viewers
Story: A gang of ruthless highway killers kidnap a wealthy couple travelling cross country only to shockingly discover that things aren't what they seem & get more than they bargained for.
Likes : This film is really hard to review without giving away to much of the plot,but what i can hopefully not give away to much is what do you get when you cross a psychopath with a no good thief gang that are look for a quick fix of money...........you get this film complete mayhem of blood,gore & intense moments.It the type of film not where you get good vs evil, but evil vs evil type of film Luke Evans is perfect Ive seen him in a lot of other movies playing the good guy but this dam he's good at playing the bad guy as well; totally charismatic and captivating.His character Derek Magyar is terrifying as a psychopath.Laura Ramsey(cameo) is pretty good as the other female characters,Adelaide Clemens was good but i did find her character profile a little complex for acting skills she didn't really pull of the character that well but she still held her own.The storyline start of as any normal horror film a little slow at first ,you start to think OK this is just going to be other typical horror but then throws you a curve ball when you realise whats going on, it this point the blood & gore in the film starts to begin you start to realise that this is no ordinary horror, it has a twist which was brilliantly done,Ive got say this film was brilliant altho blood thirsty this was a brilliant edge fresh horror film from the director Ryûhei Kitamura.If you want a good horror i would say watch this because see Luke Evans playing this role was outstanding.
Dislikes : Adelaide Clemens she a good actress but she was wrong actress for this type of role,i don't think she got that strong herein victim type skills in her acting yet to be playing these roles.
Overall : Nasty & intense, blood & gore, brilliant twist, not your average horror & brilliantly done with a good twist at the end.
Rating: 4.7 out of 5 for entertainment / 8.3 out of 10 for twist in the storyline/horror theme.

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