Cert: 12A I would say, 15 cert as its a little bit violent for anyone under 15
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: We see thermal imaging of a couple having sex; the outline of two bodies lying on top of each other is seen with no clear detail.
A man asks a woman for a favour and she agrees in exchange for dinner, candlelight and the promise that "You'll try to get to second base."
People talk about a tunnel that it is rumoured JFK used to sneak Marilyn Monroe into the White House.
A man tells a woman that she needs to "Get back on the horse after the divorce" and "have interaction with a member of the opposite sex."
A man flirtatiously tells a woman to call him if she ever wants a tour of the White House.
We see a man's bare abdomen and lower chest when he is being bandaged
Violence & Gore: A man is shot several times in the chest and we see bloody wounds.
A gunman shoots a man in the head (we see a bit of blood splatter) and he falls to the floor dead.
A man is shot and he falls back on the floor (we see blood on his chest and abdomen).
Blood is shown on several gunshot victims lying on the floor and ground.
Two gunmen shoot at two men; one gunman is shot and one man hits the remaining gunman in the head with a toaster and they fight until the other man shoots him repeatedly (we see a bloody smear on the cabinet behind him).
A man slashes the throat of a man as he runs past him (we hear a squish) and then stabs another man in the back.
A man stabs another man in the back with a pen and they fight.
Many police and security officers are shot as gunmen move through a building (no blood is seen, and we hear groans and see them flinch from the blows).
A guard in a glass-enclosed booth is shot and we see the bullet break through the glass behind him (no blood).
Men with guns enter a room where civilians are being held and shoot two men (no blood is shown).
A pre-teen girl witnesses gunmen shooting several police officers and she hides from sight.
A man attacks a gunman and uses his gun to shoot another man.
A man with a gun searches a women's restroom and a gunmen opens fire on him; the man dodges the bullets and pleads for his life, then shoots the gunman in the chest (he falls to his knees and we see a bloody wound) and kicks him a couple of times before leaving the room.
Several gunmen open fire on a pool house where two other men are hiding and the house explodes (the men inside get away unharmed).
Two men climb through a dumbwaiter shaft and one shoots up at a man leaning inside the shaft (no one is harmed).
Two men speed out of the White House garage in an armoured car and are chased by another car with a high-powered gun on the top and they are fired upon; the cars chase around the grounds, one car speeds through a gate, and one car crashes into a basketball pole and flips on its side; an RPG is fired at the first car and it is struck and thrown into a swimming pool (the two men in the car get out but have bloody wounds).
Helicopters are shot at as they approach a building being overrun by gunmen and they veer away.
A cleaning cart explodes inside a room filled with tourists and security guards; we see a couple of bodies thrown by the blast and we hear screaming.
A grenade explodes and throws a man; another man approaches with a gun and threatens to kill him until another man beats him over the head with a heavy clock.
A man drives a car through the wall of a building, gets out of the car and shoots another man repeatedly.
Military helicopters are shot at, spin out of control and crash to the ground or into a building; one chopper's tail breaks through the roof of a building and the small tail blade spins dangerously close to a man who screams but is not injured; a helicopter is shot out of the air as soldiers are sliding down ropes and they are presumably crushed when the chopper crashes.
Tanks move through a fence and fire on a building where people are being held hostage; an RPG is fired at the tank and it explodes (presumably killing the soldiers inside).
A missile is launched and it hits a plane, blowing off a wing and we see the plane roll and plunge toward the ground (we understand that the plane crashed and there were no survivors).
A man opens his jacket and we see a large shard of glass sticking out of a bloody wound in his abdomen; another man pours alcohol on the wound and bandages him.
A dead man is dragged into a room by two other men.
A man is shown with a bloody nose after a fight.
A man is shown with a bloody bandage on his hand in a few scenes.
We see a bloody bullet lodged in a pocket watch.
A gunman holds a pre-teen girl on a balcony and threatens her with his gun.
A man holds a pre-teen girl at gunpoint and tells her father "I'm going to shoot your little girl in the stomach."
A pre-teen girl attacks a man and he throws her on the floor (she is not shown with injuries).
A man slaps a pre-teen girl in the face, and then yells at her and holds a gun to her head.
A pre-teen girl hides in a supply closet and a gunman raises his gun to shoot her but she opens the door before he does; he grabs her and pulls her out of the closet, and then shoves her into a room with other people.
A man holds the US President at gunpoint.
A wounded man grabs another man's foot and he kicks him in the face repeatedly (we see the man's bloody face).
Two men fight and one wraps something around the other's throat, strangling him.
Two men fight with punches and kicks, and they crash through a glass roof and into a green house; one man shoots at the other as he runs out of the room and through a window (he is shown with a bloody face and arm).
Gunmen shove people and yell at them in a few scenes.
Police and armed security move through a building after an explosion and initiate an evacuation.
We see snipers on rooftops scanning an area as the President exits a helicopter.
A plane takes off nearly vertical to avoid being hit by missiles.
Helicopters fly close to the surface of water and circle the Lincoln Memorial in a few scenes.
Two men climb inside an elevator shaft, jump across trying to reach a door and clamber to avoid being crushed when it nears the top of the shaft.
We understand that a man's son was killed in a combat mission.
We hear about threats on the President after Middle East talks.
We hear that a man has a tumor on his frontal lobe.
A man yells at another man.
A pre-teen girl is short tempered with her father in a few scenes.
A man asks his pre-teen daughter if she gets bullied at school.
We hear about a man's background while he is on a job interview and that he doesn't finish things that he started; he is not given the job.
We hear about the background of gunmen and their activities.
A man talks about his 15-year-old daughter wanting a belly button ring for her birthday.
A man makes reference to the US Vice President "throwing up all over"
A man breaks a priceless vase and another man yells at him.
A man pushing a cleaning cart runs into another man and he spills his coffee; the man confronts the cart pusher and then moves on.
A man is arrested and struggles and yells as he is taken away.
We see the Capitol dome collapse.
Nuclear missiles are armed and ready to launch at targets around the world.
A man opens a box that contains an explosive device.
Military helicopters fly very low over streets and people scream as they swoop overhead.
A pre-teen girl wakes up and hears the rumble of helicopters over her house (there's no threat).
We see a painting of the White House in flames (depicting the 1814 White House fire).
Profanity: 1 F-word and another possible F-word (almost indecipherable among gunfire), 23 scatological terms, 6 anatomical terms, 25 mild obscenities, 13 religious profanities and 12 religious exclamations.
Name-calling (freak, stupid, schmuck, right wing sociopath, hackers, dinosaur, trash, idiots, dim and nobody.) and exclamations (shut up and holy cow.)
Prick is used once by a bad janitor in the white house around the ending scene.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: A man takes a Lorazapen.
We see Nicolette gum in a nightstand drawer and a man chews some.
A woman drinks from a glass of alcohol.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: There's a lot of violence, but most of it is on a grand scale -- explosions, helicopters/planes crashing, and deaths the audience doesn't see too up close.
There are a few hand-to-hand combat scenes and a tense hostage situation in which people (some in high levels of the administration) are executed or wounded.
A young girl is frequently in danger and is almost killed on a couple of occasions (which ups the movie's intensity level.)
It may be upsetting when the president is thought to be dead.
A missile strikes on the white house is expected, it could be upsetting.
Story: Capitol Policeman John Cale has just been denied his dream job with the Secret Service of protecting President James Sawyer. Not wanting to let down his little girl with the news, he takes her on a tour of the White House, when the complex is overtaken by a heavily armed paramilitary group. Now, with the nation's government falling into chaos and time running out, it's up to Cale to save the president, his daughter, and the country.
Likes : This is what you call another white house attack film, where terrorist taken over the white in the aim to get something, Now this was good in action wise but i just cant see Channing Tatum as an action star, he dose a good performance in this film but he's no Gerard butler.
Through most of this film it dose's get intense & the violence dose get extreme at time, its try's to be like Olympus has fallen but fall's short. Jamie Foxx play the President James Sawyer who want to bring peace to four nations but upset a few other people who want war which is what start this whole mess, he is pretty good at playing this part.
The whole story become a race against time as Channing Tatum character Cale has to fight to get his daughter back & stop a war world 3 from happen. This is a good all round action film but it the whole thing once you seen one you've seen them all because the film Olympus Has Fallen as come out before this it kinds of take the best out of this film because you've seen it before.
Dislikes : The only problem is the fact that this film has been done before with Olympus Has Fallen between the to film's i found Gerard butler play this action hero better, its like i said i just cant see Channing Tatum as an action star, he's been good in other films but with this one, it was just lacking in originality its very hard not to compare the two film's i think that's what lets this down slightly.
Overall : Good action scenes, Not a bad story, if you like olymplus is falling you mite like this.but your probaley like Olymplus is fallen better
Rating: 3.2 out of 5 for entertainment / 5.6 out of 10 for storyline/concept

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