Genre: Adventure Drama Sc-Fi , Warning this film dose content disturbing scenes
Cert: 15 cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: Frobisher and his gay lover, six smith, wake up in bed together. Frobisher is shown fully nude from the backside as he dresses, he then shares a quick but passionate kiss with Sixsmith before he leaves.
Frobisher writes later that he began an affair with Jocasta, Vyvyan's wife. There is a brief scene of their affair; Jocasta disrobes in front of Frobisher (her upper back is shown), climbs into bed with him as they begin to passionately kiss and caress. Its implied he performs oral sex on her. It is finally learned that Frobisher had a huge intention of seducing Vyvyan himself. He begins to lightly touch Vyvyan's face, when the older man laughs and criticizes Frobisher's lifestyle.
A graphic sex scene takes place between Sonmi-451 and Hae Joo Chang. They are both seen having sex fully nude, passionately kissing, groping, and thrusting forward. Both their bare backsides are exposed, as well as Sonmi's breasts. A friend of Sonmi-451 has sex with a man late at night with Sonmi-451 watching. There is no nudity, but the girl is sprawled on a table, legs spread, and the man thrusting forward forcefully. Sonmi's friend wants to show her something and call her to go with her and there is a brief shot of Sonmi's backside.
Timothy recalls a memory when he was a teenager of trying to lose his virginity to his then girlfriend. The two begin to passionately kiss and caress, while covered with sheets (we see shoulders and legs) when the girl's parents interrupt. As Timothy tries to explain, he covers his crotch with a cat, ending up in disastrous (yet funny) results.
Female clones' breasts are briefly visible as they dress for the day; they're routinely subjected to leering looks, and suggestive gestures. A man at one point clutches one of their backsides. They wear tight tops and extremely short skirts.
A man punches Sonmi's backside.
There are several sexual one-liners and innuendos made throughout the movie
Violence & Gore: A man is thrown off a tall building to his certain death. He hits the ground as his body sprays blood like a fountain and the sounds of his breaking bones echo in the alley. Lots of gore.
Two death scenes take place involving a gun in someone's mouth. The first is sudden, and blood sprays onto the wall and bed behind the victim. In the second instance, the gunshot is heard, and the bloody results are shown later.
Clones wear collars that can be activated when they rebel. In one scene, a waitress punches a customer, and the manager presses the button that sets the collar off. Her throat bursts open, causing blood to spurt everywhere. It is later revealed that all clones are eventually killed, and literally fed to the next generation of clones. The clones are killed by an (sort of) electric chair, decapitated (offscreen), and then shipped around a factory to be incinerated. Thousands of hanging, bloody bodies without heads are shown.
A futuristic chase takes place between Chang, Sonmi-451, and government agents. There are plenty of gunshots and explosions that cause roads and buildings to be destroyed. Chang shoots and punches out several agents while defending Somi.
Brutal fights take place between Zachary's tribe and Kona barbarians. A man has his throat slit (shown from a distance), a young boy is shot and killed by a crossbow, and a village is destroyed. Heads are stuck onto pikes amid burning houses and corpses. Meronym takes out several warriors with a plasma gun. Zachary viciously slits the throat of one of the barbarians, who spurts blood.
There are several other scenes of violence throughout the film, some stronger than others, but none of them are very long. Autua is seen being whipped, resulting in bloody scars. A shootout and chase in San Francisco involves a violent car crash, a few mild wounds, and a man receiving several blows to the head from a wrench, causing blood to ooze. An airplane explodes, a man dies after being hit in the head with a trunk of gold (blood is shown).
A rather violent (yet comedic) bar fight causes a man's tooth to be dislodged. We see a keg smashed over someone's head, tables turned, and people mercilessly punched and kicked. Autua gets into a fight with the doctor in the hull of the ship, and at one point, bites the man to get him away.
Profanity: Exactly 23 f-words, and one uses of the c-word. Several uses of s__t, damn, hell, and other profanity.
Many racial slurs and insults are used in this movie, including nigger, darkie, shitskin, wetback, border-jumper, sprog, and others.
Cunt is used once by Tom Hanks about the writer in the party in the year 2012 to Jim Broadbent: (That cunt, shattering all over my fucking pages into my fucking magazine!)
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Many smoke cigarettes throughout the movie. Alcohol is consumed at some points as well. Clones and Servers drink Soap, which is considered to have a similar effect to alcohol.
Tom Hanks and Halle Berry smoke pot outside in the year 1973 at the doctor's place.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Most of the violent scenes are intense.
There is a scary character played by Hugh Grant, and another played by Hugo Weaving
Story: Everything is connected: an 1849 diary of an ocean voyage across the Pacific; letters from a composer to his lover; a thriller about a murder at a nuclear power plant; a farce about a publisher in a nursing home; a rebellious clone in futuristic Korea; and the tale of a tribe living in post-apocalyptic Hawaii, far in the future.
Likes : Cloud Atlas" is nearly three hours in length. The film alternates between six very different stories quite seamlessly, creating an exhilarating experience. It's part sci-fi, part historical drama, part love story, part comedy. Any number of things could have gone wrong with the film.
All the different genres it brings together might have failed to coherently mesh. But they did, and it's something to see.
This film is very hard to explain as it one those film if you don't have an understanding on what's going on, your probably going to find this film weird & boaring.
It like the stories are told of serval soul that have travelled over time in individual people over the past to present through time, through out the film it skip to the past then to the future then back to the past, it hard to understand what's going on at time but the casting is brilliant as all the cast do a brilliant job in making a believable film.
Some story of the stories are like love story's to survive story's to drama, it very clever in the way this film is made.The novel explores the terrors of gradual, inevitable establishment of corporate dominance over humankind, from the nineteenth century justification of genocide, through exploitation of creativity in 1930s sequence, ruthless corporate greed in 1970s, deterioration of moral values in 2000s, triumph of corporations over governments in the future, the fall of the current civilization, and the beginning of a new cycle. If you've read the book, you won't like the movie.
At times it may be hard to follow and you have to just let go and give up trying to understand what is happening, but I assure you it comes together at the end.
To be honest this film wont be for ever one its iver a hit or miss for curtain viewer & this really is going to be one of those film your ive going to like or find boaring, but it not a bad film it dose have its funny moments as well has the serious moments, but be ware this film is near 3 hours long it can get slow at time's.
Dislike: You can understand curtain things going on but the story's jumping back & forth kinds of throw you off the film you find you self trying to understand what is going on as it throw you in to a future scene then throw you back in to the 18th century scene, it like this all through the film back & forth through different time lines this is where if you don't understand this film your not going to get it at all.
Overall :Adventure, soul transfer though time theme, good special effects, not a bad storyline.
Rating: 3.7 out of 5 for entertainment / 6.8 out of 10 for storyline/concept
Cert: 15 cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: Frobisher and his gay lover, six smith, wake up in bed together. Frobisher is shown fully nude from the backside as he dresses, he then shares a quick but passionate kiss with Sixsmith before he leaves.
Frobisher writes later that he began an affair with Jocasta, Vyvyan's wife. There is a brief scene of their affair; Jocasta disrobes in front of Frobisher (her upper back is shown), climbs into bed with him as they begin to passionately kiss and caress. Its implied he performs oral sex on her. It is finally learned that Frobisher had a huge intention of seducing Vyvyan himself. He begins to lightly touch Vyvyan's face, when the older man laughs and criticizes Frobisher's lifestyle.
A graphic sex scene takes place between Sonmi-451 and Hae Joo Chang. They are both seen having sex fully nude, passionately kissing, groping, and thrusting forward. Both their bare backsides are exposed, as well as Sonmi's breasts. A friend of Sonmi-451 has sex with a man late at night with Sonmi-451 watching. There is no nudity, but the girl is sprawled on a table, legs spread, and the man thrusting forward forcefully. Sonmi's friend wants to show her something and call her to go with her and there is a brief shot of Sonmi's backside.
Timothy recalls a memory when he was a teenager of trying to lose his virginity to his then girlfriend. The two begin to passionately kiss and caress, while covered with sheets (we see shoulders and legs) when the girl's parents interrupt. As Timothy tries to explain, he covers his crotch with a cat, ending up in disastrous (yet funny) results.
Female clones' breasts are briefly visible as they dress for the day; they're routinely subjected to leering looks, and suggestive gestures. A man at one point clutches one of their backsides. They wear tight tops and extremely short skirts.
A man punches Sonmi's backside.
There are several sexual one-liners and innuendos made throughout the movie
Violence & Gore: A man is thrown off a tall building to his certain death. He hits the ground as his body sprays blood like a fountain and the sounds of his breaking bones echo in the alley. Lots of gore.
Two death scenes take place involving a gun in someone's mouth. The first is sudden, and blood sprays onto the wall and bed behind the victim. In the second instance, the gunshot is heard, and the bloody results are shown later.
Clones wear collars that can be activated when they rebel. In one scene, a waitress punches a customer, and the manager presses the button that sets the collar off. Her throat bursts open, causing blood to spurt everywhere. It is later revealed that all clones are eventually killed, and literally fed to the next generation of clones. The clones are killed by an (sort of) electric chair, decapitated (offscreen), and then shipped around a factory to be incinerated. Thousands of hanging, bloody bodies without heads are shown.
A futuristic chase takes place between Chang, Sonmi-451, and government agents. There are plenty of gunshots and explosions that cause roads and buildings to be destroyed. Chang shoots and punches out several agents while defending Somi.
Brutal fights take place between Zachary's tribe and Kona barbarians. A man has his throat slit (shown from a distance), a young boy is shot and killed by a crossbow, and a village is destroyed. Heads are stuck onto pikes amid burning houses and corpses. Meronym takes out several warriors with a plasma gun. Zachary viciously slits the throat of one of the barbarians, who spurts blood.
There are several other scenes of violence throughout the film, some stronger than others, but none of them are very long. Autua is seen being whipped, resulting in bloody scars. A shootout and chase in San Francisco involves a violent car crash, a few mild wounds, and a man receiving several blows to the head from a wrench, causing blood to ooze. An airplane explodes, a man dies after being hit in the head with a trunk of gold (blood is shown).
A rather violent (yet comedic) bar fight causes a man's tooth to be dislodged. We see a keg smashed over someone's head, tables turned, and people mercilessly punched and kicked. Autua gets into a fight with the doctor in the hull of the ship, and at one point, bites the man to get him away.
Profanity: Exactly 23 f-words, and one uses of the c-word. Several uses of s__t, damn, hell, and other profanity.
Many racial slurs and insults are used in this movie, including nigger, darkie, shitskin, wetback, border-jumper, sprog, and others.
Cunt is used once by Tom Hanks about the writer in the party in the year 2012 to Jim Broadbent: (That cunt, shattering all over my fucking pages into my fucking magazine!)
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Many smoke cigarettes throughout the movie. Alcohol is consumed at some points as well. Clones and Servers drink Soap, which is considered to have a similar effect to alcohol.
Tom Hanks and Halle Berry smoke pot outside in the year 1973 at the doctor's place.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Most of the violent scenes are intense.
There is a scary character played by Hugh Grant, and another played by Hugo Weaving
Story: Everything is connected: an 1849 diary of an ocean voyage across the Pacific; letters from a composer to his lover; a thriller about a murder at a nuclear power plant; a farce about a publisher in a nursing home; a rebellious clone in futuristic Korea; and the tale of a tribe living in post-apocalyptic Hawaii, far in the future.
Likes : Cloud Atlas" is nearly three hours in length. The film alternates between six very different stories quite seamlessly, creating an exhilarating experience. It's part sci-fi, part historical drama, part love story, part comedy. Any number of things could have gone wrong with the film.
All the different genres it brings together might have failed to coherently mesh. But they did, and it's something to see.
This film is very hard to explain as it one those film if you don't have an understanding on what's going on, your probably going to find this film weird & boaring.
It like the stories are told of serval soul that have travelled over time in individual people over the past to present through time, through out the film it skip to the past then to the future then back to the past, it hard to understand what's going on at time but the casting is brilliant as all the cast do a brilliant job in making a believable film.
Some story of the stories are like love story's to survive story's to drama, it very clever in the way this film is made.The novel explores the terrors of gradual, inevitable establishment of corporate dominance over humankind, from the nineteenth century justification of genocide, through exploitation of creativity in 1930s sequence, ruthless corporate greed in 1970s, deterioration of moral values in 2000s, triumph of corporations over governments in the future, the fall of the current civilization, and the beginning of a new cycle. If you've read the book, you won't like the movie.
At times it may be hard to follow and you have to just let go and give up trying to understand what is happening, but I assure you it comes together at the end.
To be honest this film wont be for ever one its iver a hit or miss for curtain viewer & this really is going to be one of those film your ive going to like or find boaring, but it not a bad film it dose have its funny moments as well has the serious moments, but be ware this film is near 3 hours long it can get slow at time's.
Dislike: You can understand curtain things going on but the story's jumping back & forth kinds of throw you off the film you find you self trying to understand what is going on as it throw you in to a future scene then throw you back in to the 18th century scene, it like this all through the film back & forth through different time lines this is where if you don't understand this film your not going to get it at all.
Overall :Adventure, soul transfer though time theme, good special effects, not a bad storyline.
Rating: 3.7 out of 5 for entertainment / 6.8 out of 10 for storyline/concept

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