Cert: 15A +16 cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A man is briefly shown engaging in a rather bizarre sex act, wearing only a long shirt with his bare butt exposed. You see a woman kneeling near his buttocks while another is presumably performing fellatio on him (nothing overtly visible), which he remarks about in the next scene. A man hoping to use the restroom witnesses this and is rather disturbed by it.
Brief glimpses of nudity from a porn magazine in one scene, lasting one second at the most.
An extended argument takes place regarding masturbation, with two men arguing over how they dispense of their semen and threatening to ejaculate onto each other.
An extended argument takes place between the men regarding "rapey vibes" after a female survivor enters the house, leading to a misunderstanding.
Countless sex jokes throughout, often utilizing explicit terminology.
Scantily clad women are seen dancing briefly at the end.
Demons are depicted with comically large penises, and a demonic rape/possession is implied in one scene
Violence & Gore: Numerous scenes depicting the remnants of an apocalyptic wasteland. The outside world is shown engulfed in flames, and during the first half of the film, the sounds of screams and heavy gunfire are heard in the background.
As the apocalypse first sets in, a convenience store is rattled loudly by what appears to be an earthquake, multiple people are shown being suddenly beamed into the sky, and a machine falls on top of a cashier, crushing her with blood spurting immediately on the walls. A person is impaled by a lamp-post, with massive amounts of blood spurting from his chest as he expresses bewilderment. A massive earthquake then opens up the ground near a mansion where a large party is taking place, creating a portal to what is presumably hell. Dozens of partygoers walk outside and are sucked into the crater. One person grabs onto the foot of someone who is on land, and the man then kicks him down. A bloody, severed leg is visible. A woman's head is accidentally crushed by a fleeing partygoer, with blood briefly shown spurting.
A man is raped by a demon (off-screen) and becomes possessed, attacking his friends with his newfound supernatural strength before being subdued and tied to a bed. A man attempts to perform an exorcism on him, the demonic spirit mocks the exorcist but he begins convulsing eventually. He is ultimately burned to death after a fallen candle triggers a massive fire within the mansion.
A man attempting to break into a house is beheaded by a demon, his head falls through a hole in the barricade and the resultant bloody mess causes the occupants to unintentionally kick his around like a soccer ball.
A massively endowed demon about as tall as a skyscraper prepares to consume multiple people who are then saved from that fate through being raptured in a beam.
A man is raptured before he can be ate by cannibals, but his snide remarks cause him to be dropped back to earth and he is subsequently ate by the gang of cannibals. Blood is seen spurting in the distance and his severed nose is briefly seen, and chainsaws can be seen and heard.
A man is struck in the nose by an axe handle due to a misunderstanding.
Profanity: Well over 200 f-bombs, at least 60 uses of s--t, dozens of uses of anatomical slang, etc.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking:Numerous references to getting drunk and smoking cannabis.
An extended scene takes place at a huge party filled with drugs and alcohol. Multiple people are shown either with a drink or joint in hand. One person snorts a large amount of cocaine, and then coughs a large amount of it onto an unwitting partygoer's face on purpose.
When the men take a look at their rations, they note that they have a few dozen cans of beer, several bottles of hard liquor, large amounts of cannabis, several ecstasy tablets and a bag of shrooms. One of the men enthusiastically says "let's do all the drugs" and one of them unwittingly sips from a can laced with ecstasy. A montage is then shown of them tripping on hallucinogenics while smoking copious amounts of pot.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: While the film is a comedy, the scenes depicting the apocalyptic wasteland are detailed, realistic and meant to evoke horror tropes. The sudden presence of the demons may spook some audience members, and multiple instances of exaggerated gore make the film unsuitable for squeamish viewers. The implication of a demonic rape and subsequent possession may particularly frighten sensitive viewers. Those sensitive to gross-out humor should probably stay home.
Story: The comedy This Is The End follows six friends trapped in a house after a series of strange and catastrophic events devastate Los Angeles. As the world unravels outside, dwindling supplies and cabin fever threaten to tear apart the friendships inside. Eventually, they are forced to leave the house, facing their fate and the true meaning of friendship and redemption
Likes : Im going to be fair with this review but im going to be honest aswell, Actors & atress done a good job played their parts well, but this film is seriously one of those film you iver love or hate,because it really dose depend on your sense of humour.Good thing about this film is there was a few funny moment,special effect with the apocalpyse & the demon's C.G.I was fantastic really set the mood for the end of days,there were a few moments of banter that dose make you make you laugh,but lets be honest its just wasnt enough to keep you interested in this film.Its very strong in reglion as in the end of days the selfless & justice will be saved from the dark horror & those that are selfrightous,sinner & selfcentre people will be left to suffer on earth which was shown in this film.
Dislikes : Like i said before this film will depend on your sense of humour,to be honest this film for me wasnt really that funny it was a big let down & a disapointment which could of been lot more funnyer that it was. Its extemely dull dry humour through out the film, it dose have its moment that really dose make you laugh but there is only maybe 3 or 4 scence you will laugh at as the rest of the film was just a disaster.I think where this film went wrong was the fact they tried to mix regilion with comedy/horror it just didnt work well together, there really are genre's of film's you just dont mix because they never work, it really shows in this film big time,because seriously if i didnt have to review this film i would of been one of the one's that got up 50 mins into the film & walked out, over 7 people in the cinema watching this film walked out of the cinema bcause it was that dull & just not funny.but like i said it dose depend on your sense of humour,to be honest this film was over the top in crud jokes which kind of killed the film humour.
Overall : Depends on your sense of humour,but i would wait for the dvd to watch this film to behonest but its up to you,but you've been warned.
Rating: 3.1 out of 5 for funny scenes / 5.6 out of 10 for comedy/horror

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